Page 66 - APPENDICES for Maria Elena Yajarano
P. 66

#+ ( + ,
                                        #+ ( + ,
  #$  % &' ()* &'$  + , -      
 .        /       	            
  #$  % &' ()* &'$  + , 1      .  
  #$  % &' ()* &'$  + ,
                                        #+ ( + ,
                                                   These are the Rx drugs, dosages,
                                                   and monthly quantities that were used
                                                   to find the lowest-cost drug plans.

                                                               This is the generic
                                                               version of Plaquenil,
                                                               which you take three
                                                               times a week.

                                                               This is the generic version of
                                                               Imitrex. It comes in several different
                                                               strengths and formulations -- tablets,
                                                               solutions, auto injectors, and
                                                               syringes. See next page for a list of

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