Page 1 - Cover Letter and Medicare Evaluation for Jamie Marshall
P. 1

January 7, 2022

               Mrs. Jamie Marshall
               570 Smithfield Valley Road
               Amenia, NY 12501

               Dear Jamie:

               Your Medicare evaluation is enclosed. In most cases, the estimated costs shown in the
               evaluation are for the full year. That will give you an idea of your annual spending -- even
               though you will be enrolled in Medicare for only nine months this year. These estimated costs
               include the standard Part B and Part D premiums, but individuals with higher incomes may pay
               more, as explained in the attachment to this letter.

               In preparing to switch to Medicare, you’ll need to do the following things in the next couple of
               months, preferably by the end of the first week of March:

                              Enroll in Part A and Part B. If you haven’t already done this, you can enroll at the
                              following Social Security link:


                              Specify that you want your Part A and Part B coverage to begin on April 1. You
                              should receive your Medicare card in the mail within three weeks or so, and it
                              should show that your Part A and Part B coverage will begin April 1.

                              Because you haven’t yet started receiving your Social Security benefits, you will
                              be billed quarterly (in advance) for your Part B premiums. Eventually when you
                              do start receiving monthly Social Security payments, your Part B premiums will
                              be deducted from those payments. If you have questions about billing, you can
                              contact Social Security at (800) 772-1213.

                              Next, choose the Medigap plan you want. There are eight plans available to
                              someone your age, and the evaluation compares three of these plans – Plan G,
                              Plan N, and Plan L.

                              After deciding which plan you want, choose the insurance company you will get
                              your policy from and then enroll with that company. Because in New York it’s
                              relatively easy to switch companies later, you might simply go with the insurer
                              with the lowest premiums for the plan you’ve chosen.
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