Page 17 - Cover Letter and Evaluation for Chris Parlin
P. 17

10/10/2017                                    Medicare Monthly Premiums - DFS Portal

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                           Standardized Medicare Supplement Monthly Premiums

            Zip Code: 12874             Search

            County:  Warren

                                         Plan   Plan   Plan  Plan   Plan  Plan   Plan   Plan  Plan   Plan   Plan
                                           A     B      C     D      F    HDF     G      K      L     M      N
             Aetna Life Insurance        $239.1 $272.3              $317.6
             Bankers Conseco             $266.3 $333.7              $449.7 $66.83 $414.6 $88.00 $199.2 $275.7 $226.9
             CDPHP                       $170.5 $231.7              $336.4                                  $185.9

             Globe Life Insurance        $173.0 $237.0 $285.0 $282.0 $270.0 $53.00 $251.0 $106.0 $149.0     $187.0
             Group Health Inc (aka GHI)  $161.2 $216.4 $288.5       $317.8
             HealthNow New York Inc.
             (d/b/a BS of Northeastern   $214.7 $262.9 $305.4       $306.6 $128.8
             New York)

             Humana                      $198.1 $223.6 $270.8       $276.3 $64.01 $246.8 $129.4 $184.5      $175.3
             Mutual of Omaha             $209.5 $321.4 $361.3 $338.9 $363.7      $321.5              $330.1
             United Healthcare (AARP
             Program)                    $125.7 $187.7 $223.5       $224.2       $201.5 $61.50 $122.2       $146.2

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