Page 136 - HHH Recipe eBook
P. 136

 Love Bowl
 Give love to your body, life and soul. Life is too short not to enjoy it!
. Raspberries - 2 punnets
. Optional Banana fresh
. Coconut yoghurt non-Dairy Chocolate Granola:-
. Quick Oats - 1/4 cup
. Coconut desiccated - 1/2 cup . Raspberries - 1 punnet
. Cocoa - tblspn
. Cinnamon - tsp
. Chia - tblspn
. Wheatgerm - 1/4 cup
. Flaxseeds - 1/4 cup
. Sunflower seeds - tblspn
. LSA - 1/4 cup
. Maple syrup - 1/2 cup
. Coconut sugar - 1/4 cup
. Vanilla extract - tblspn
. Coconut oil (MCT) - 1/4 cup
. Rock salt - tsp
. Almonds slivered - 1/2 cup
Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Baked in oven 160oC for 20 mins-toss then bake another 20 mins or until cooked well, optional leave in oven (off) to really dry out). Love Bowl:-
Put some granola in a bowl top with fresh raspberries (1/2-1 punnet), you could put some sliced banana in too, then coconut yoghurt on top. With remaining raspberries crush into a liquid and put in an icing piping bag and decorate hearts in yoghurt, you could also put extra fruit & crushed nuts on top. Serve.
Enjoy the love!
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