Page 32 - HHH Recipe eBook
P. 32
Hibiscus Iced Tea
Herbal Remedy
Hibiscus has been used medicinally since ancient times as a tea to prevent hypertension, lower systolic blood pressure, reduce blood sugar levels, keep your liver healthy, helps menstrual cramps, depression, aid digestion & weight management. Contains melatonin, so it's great for getting to sleep.
Rich in Vitamin C, amino acids, contains minerals - flavonoids & has laxative properties. Contains phytoestrogen, plant-based compounds similar to human estrogen. Improves blood circulation under the scalp to stimulate healthy hair growth.
. Dried Hibiscus flowers-12g
. Filtered Water-1.5 cups or more if desired
. Ice
. Sugar alternative or Honey
. Optional blood orange rind or if not in season lime or lemon . Optional Cardamom or Cinnamon
. Mint
Place water in pot or more for several cups of tea. Some water will evaporate. Bring water to boiling. Add dried flowers, honey or sugar, cardamom or cinnamon (optional orange rind) in pot. Cover pot, boil for 5-10 mins depending on strength preference. Remove pot from heat, let tea steep for 3 to 5 mins. Strain tea into glass add ice.
Serve with a sprig of Mint. You can save sugar syrup to use in a variety of other recipes. Enjoy!
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