Page 40 - HHH Recipe eBook
P. 40

 Rose Latte
 Pretty & healthy!
Many health benefits that help with weight loss, relieve menstrual cramps, sleep disorders, improves mood, stress & depression. Soothes respiratory tract, lungs, throat, cold, flu, expels mucus & phlegm. Improves digestion & antibacterial properties quickly go to work on any infections in gastrointestinal tract or gut. Helps rebalance microflora in intestines & relieve digestive issues like constipation, cramping, bloating or diarrhoea. Vitamin C (protection from toxins, free radicals & aging. Supports immune system, aids in production of collagen, a protein essential for healthy skin & hair). Rich in polyphenols (prevents cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis & cancer), antioxidants, ellagic acid, myrcene & quercetin.
. Dried Rose Petals-1 cup
. Non Dairy Milk-1 cup
. Vanilla Extract-tblspn
. Stevia or Honey or Sugar alternative-tblspn
. Water-1.5 cups
Optional Cardamom-tsp
Optional Beet powder for colour & decoration-tsp
Place 1.5 cups of water in a pot or more for several cups of tea. Some water will evaporate. Bring water to boiling. Add dried rose petals, (optional cardamom &/or beet) vanilla, sugar in pot. Cover pot, boil for 5-10 mins depending on strength preference. Remove pot from heat, let tea steep for 3 to 5 mins. Strain tea into cup. Froth milk and pour into cup. Decorate with petals or beet powder. You can also use rose syrup in other recipes like smoothies or baked goods. Enjoy!
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