Page 236 - Agriculture Policy Wording Binder
P. 236
3. an insured animal (including pedigree animal) suffers an injury and a qualified veterinary surgeon appointed by the Insured shall first have given a certificate that the suffering of such animal (including pedigree animal) is incurable and so extensive that immediate destruction is imperative for humane reasons without waiting for the appointment of a veterinary surgeon by the Company;
in all such cases of 1, 2 or 3 above the Company shall be given the opportunity of having a post mortem examination carried out by their veterinary surgeon should they so desire;
10. death directly or indirectly caused by or in consequence of:
10.1 any surgical operation unless conducted by a qualified veterinary surgeon and is certified by him/her to have been necessitated solely by accident, disease or illness and to have been carried out in an attempt to preserve the animal’s (including pedigree animal) life;
10.2 the administration of any medication unless by a qualified veterinary surgeon (or experienced personnel directed by him/her) and certified by a veterinary surgeon to have been of a prophylactic nature or necessitated by accident, disease or illness. As used herein “medication” includes any drug, hormone, vitamin, protein or other substance other than unadulterated food or water;
11. sickness and/or death directly or indirectly caused by:
11.1 Redwater Fever
11.2 Heartwater Fever
11.3 Gail sickness
11.4 Pulpy kidney
11.5 Blue tongue
11.6 any tick borne disease manifesting itself within 30 (thirty) days of the inception of the policy
12. consequential loss however this may arise
13. liability to third parties;
14. loss or damage as a result of theft or any attempt thereat;
15. loss of or damage to the insured property consequent upon Hijacking or any attempt thereat;
16. loss or damage incurred in transit while any vehicle is being driven by:
16.1 the Insured:
16.1.1 while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs (unless administered by or prescribed by and taken in accordance with the instructions of a member of the medical profession other than himself/herself); or
16.1.2 while the blood alcohol percentage of the Insured exceeds the statutory limit at the time of the occurrence; or
16.1.3 while not holding a valid driver's licence to drive such vehicle;
16.2 any other person with the general consent of the Insured who, to the Insured’s knowledge:
16.2.1 is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs (unless administered by or prescribed by and taken in accordance with the instructions of a member of the medical profession other than himself/herself); or
16.2.2 while the blood alcohol percentage of such person exceeds the statutory limit at the time of the occurrence; or
16.2.3 who does not hold a valid driver's licence to drive such vehicle, but this shall not apply if the Insured was unaware that the driver did not hold a valid driver's licence and the Insured can prove to the satisfaction of the Company that, in the normal course of his business, procedures are in operation to ensure that only drivers with valid licences are permitted to drive insured vehicles;
Livestock & Pedigree Animals
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Policy Wording – Agriculture – Binder – Version 2 2023