Page 15 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 15
Understanding your policy
○ If you claim under more than one cover section because of the same event, you again only have to pay the highest excess (basic excess plus the total of any additional and voluntary excesses as applicable) under all the cover sections.
○ If we settle a claim by making a payment to you, then we will deduct the excess from the amount we pay. If we settle a claim in any other way, then you must pay the excess directly to the service provider.
Wait before disposing of damaged property
If there are damaged items as a result of a claim, you must not abandon them or get rid of them until we agree that you may do so.
How to claim
Step 1: Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5: Step 6:
Tell us right away
Tell us about any event that may lead to a claim as soon as possible, but not later than 30 days after the event. Give us all the relevant details.
Do not admit liability
Do not under any circumstances admit liability for the event that led to the claim, or make misleading promises to anyone. This means that you should not:
○ make any statements (unless required by law)
○ offer payment to anyone
○ negotiate with anyone claiming from you.
Inform the police
Inform the police immediately after the event. This is particularly important when property has been stolen, a motor accident has occurred, people have been injured or died, or a criminal act is suspected. Take all reasonable steps to recover any stolen property and, where safe to do so, find the guilty person.
Send us the following within 30 days
If you haven’t already dealt with this when you first reported the claim, please ensure you send us the following within 30 days:
○ full written details of the claim (on our standard forms, if required)
○ particulars of any other policy covering the claim
○ any other documentation we think is necessary to handle the claim (such as police documents, receipts, invoices or witness statements)
○ proof of value and insurable interest, if required by us. Send us all other documents you may receive
Send us any further documentation you may receive immediately (such as a letter of demand).
Help us with any legal proceedings
Your assistance may be required if we decide to start legal proceedings against any party responsible for the loss. Note that any such legal action may be taken in your name.
Sign a release
You may have to sign a release before we pay out.
Claim procedure is at your own expense
Unless we specifically offer to pay and make provision for payment in the Schedule, the entire claim procedure above is done at your own expense.
Hollard Private Portfolio – Version 3.3 – 9 Feb 2023 13