Page 16 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 16
Understanding your policy
Time limits that affect your claim
Don’t miss these key deadlines
○ 90 days
If we formally reject or dispute a claim, you have 90 days to appeal this decision with us.
○ 180 days
If we maintain our rejection, you have a further 180 days to start any legal action against us.
○ 365 days
Your claim will no longer be legally enforceable after 365 days, unless you have started legal action against us,
or the claim concerns your legal liability towards a third party.
If you go beyond any of these time limits, your right to the payment of the claim will lapse.
Other points to note
Sum insured will not be reduced
This point is applicable to the following sections of this policy: Household Contents, Buildings and All Risks (unspecified items). It states that the sum insured will not be reduced after we have compensated you for a claim. We may, however, require you to pay an additional premium for the increase of the sum insured to the original amount from the date of loss to the next anniversary date.
Cover applies in RSA and neighbouring countries
The cover in this policy is valid within the territorial limits of South Africa, as well as the following countries: Angola, Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, eSwatini, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. However, cover for motor third party liability is not provided in Angola, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. If you travel to a country where it is required to take out third party liability cover at the border, you must claim under that policy first.
Bringing damaged property back to South Africa
If you want to claim for property damaged outside of South Africa, you must first bring it back into the country or to the nearest border post. You have to do this at your own expense, unless we have agreed to pay.
This condition does not apply to motor vehicles. If you are in an accident outside South Africa, then the conditions under How we handle claims in neighbouring countries applies.
Obey the law
○ South African law applies to this policy and only the courts of South Africa may deal with any dispute about this policy, except for liability claims as required.
○ You must comply with the law at all times, including any by-laws and regulations relevant to your property. Do not use your insured property in connection with any criminal offence. You must also obey the laws of other countries when you are travelling.
○ We will not cover loss, damage or liability if you are involved in a criminal act. We may reject a claim and we may ask you to pay back any benefits that we may have paid for that claim and any costs we may have incurred relating to that claim.
How claiming affects your premium
Whenever you are paid out for a claim, you may find that your premium is increased.
Trade and economic sanctions
We cannot provide any cover where to do so would violate trade or economic sanctions. Should we become aware of the fact that you are subject to such sanctions, we would have to void (cancel) your policy from its start date. We will refund any premiums due to you, and no claims will be payable.
14 Hollard Private Portfolio – Version 3.3 – 9 Feb 2023