Page 74 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
P. 74

 Cyber insurance
 Cyberbullying involves bullying over the internet and can result in your wrongful termination of employment, false arrest, discipline action at a school or shock and mental injury as diagnosed by a medical practitioner. Cyberbullying must include two or more acts of bullying, such as:
• Harassment, including repeated personal interaction despite your rejection
• Intimidation
• Defamation of character
• Invasion of privacy, including unauthorised usage monitoring of your internet usage and electronic communication
• Threats of violence
Cyberstalking involves someone that uses electronic devices or the internet to repeatedly harass or frighten you.
– Loss of reputation
We will cover your loss of reputation after someone published private and offensive material about
you on the internet. If you suffered a significant negative impact on your reputation, we will cover:
• Lost income as a result of this incident, if it is not paid by your employer.
• Costs necessary for an expert to manage and protect your reputation.
– Legal costs: We will cover reasonable and necessary costs to take legal action against a third party for acts of cyberbullying or cyberstalking, or for information that they publish on the internet against you.
– Trauma benefit: If cyberbullying or cyberstalking causes emotional trauma, we will pay a fixed benefit amount to assist with trauma counselling as diagnosed by a licensed professional. This benefit does not provide the benefits of a medical scheme and is not a substitute for medical scheme membership.
– Additional school cost: We will cover your expenses if your child is affected by an act of cyberbullying or cyberstalking or for information published on the internet. Cover includes expenses for additional school fees, school uniforms and educational material if a licensed doctor or psychologist recommends that your child needs to be placed in another school.
○ Your child becomes the target of bullying via social media and starts to suffer from depression.
○ You start receiving threatening messages, or sensitive information about you is posted online, that leads to
you losing your job or suffering emotional trauma as diagnosed by a licensed physician or psychologist.
Our cover:
We will cover the costs to remove the relevant online material, lost income, legal cost against the third party, costs to manage and protect your reputation, payment for trauma counselling, and costs to move your child to a different school if required.
Cyber extortion
You may receive a legitimate demand for a ransom payment by a third party to harm your computer system. We will cover the ransom payment and reasonable costs to resolve the cyber extortion incident. The following conditions apply:
The ransom payment must be made in adherence to the applicable laws at the time and subject to our prior written consent.
You must notify the relevant law enforcement authorities within 72 hours of the cyber extortion incident.
Hollard Private Portfolio – Version 3.3 – 9 Feb 2023

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