Page 8 - Hollard Private Portfolio - Version 3.3
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 Making things as clear as possible
The policy is designed to avoid confusion, so any word that has been formally defined − for example, claim or insured event – shall have that meaning wherever it appears.
All the headings that you see are merely to help you find information quickly. But remember that they are merely summaries; you must read the detail underneath. The content of the clauses will always be the final authority in the event of any dispute around meaning or interpretation.
This is YOUR policy
Only you have rights under this policy – even where we have defined "you" to include other persons.
Insurable interest
You can only claim for items in which you have an insurable interest – i.e. items which, if lost or damaged, cause you to be worse off financially.
For example, you have an insurable interest in your own house, because if it is damaged, it results in a loss for you. However, damage to your neighbour’s house does not leave you financially worse off, so you have no insurable interest in it, and therefore cannot claim for it.
The privacy of your personal information
We care about the privacy, security and online safety of your personal information and we take our responsibility to protect this information very seriously. Below is a summary of how we deal with your personal information. For a more detailed explanation, please read our official Privacy Notice on our website.
○ Processing your personal information: We have to collect and process some of your personal information in order to provide you with our products and services, and also as required by insurance, tax and other legislation.
○ Sharing your personal information: We will share your personal information with other insurers, industry bodies, credit agencies and service providers. This includes information about your insurance, claims and premium payments. We do this to assess claims, prevent fraud and to conduct surveys.
○ Accessing your medical information: We may ask you to undergo any necessary medical testing or examinations. We may also ask you to send us any medical information including the results of any blood testing we need to accurately assess our risk or your claims.
○ Protecting your personal information: We take every reasonable precaution to protect your personal information (including information about your activities) from theft, unauthorised access and disruption of services.
○ Receiving marketing from us: We will not use your personal information to send you any information about products or offers from Hollard or Hollard’s partners. However, we will still send you communications about this product.
Sasria (Applies only in South Africa)
Sasria SOC Ltd Reg: (1979/10002871/06) is an insurance company that covers your property for extraordinary, unusual insurance events. You have the choice to take out cover provided by Sasria for loss or damage to your property if it is caused by unrest, riot, strike or public disorder. The Sasria cover is not underwritten by us and it is provided according to the terms of the Sasria SOC Ltd coupon.
Sasria cover applies in South Africa only. Please turn to the end of this document for the full list of cover as described by Sasria itself.
Understanding your policy
   6 Hollard Private Portfolio – Version 3.3 – 9 Feb 2023

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