Page 15 - Policy Wording - Commercial Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines Binder Addendum
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Annexure A – Treaty Exclusions
1. Infectious Epidemics/Pandemics Exclusion
This Contract excludes any loss, damage, cost or expense directly or indirectly arising out of, contributed to by, or resulting from any infectious epidemic/pandemic (if classified either way by the appropriate national or international body/agency) which leads to:
1.1 the imposition of quarantine or restriction in movement of people or animals by any national or international body or agency; and/or
1.2 any travel advisory or warning being issued by a national or international body or agency; and
in respect of 1.1 or 1.2 any fear or threat thereof (whether actual or perceived).
If Reinsurer(s) allege that by reason of this exclusion, any loss is not covered by this Contract the burden of proving the contrary rests upon the Reinsured.
2. Applicable To All Classes
2.1 Asbestos Exclusion. It is hereby understood and agreed that this Contract shall not apply to, and does not cover, any actual or alleged liability whatsoever for any claim or claims in respect of loss or losses directly or indirectly caused by, arising out of, resulting from, in consequence of, in any way involving, or to the extent contributed to by, the hazardous nature of asbestos in whatever form or quantity.
2.2 Long term policies, that is policies with a duration of more than 12 months plus odd time but not exceeding 18 months, other than for CIPL (Construction Industry Public Liability which may be issued for 36 months).
2.3 Difference in conditions wording/policies other than for CIPL (Construction Industry Public Liability) and Umbrella policies.
2.4 The following classes of liability exposures are excluded from this Contract, other than if underwritten on a “Claims Made” basis:
2.4.1 Products Liability
2.4.2 Employers Liability
2.5 Operation of offshore platforms and rigs.
2.6 Any policy under which the insured covers an aggregation of multi class excesses or deductibles.
2.7 Retroactive cover for known losses.
3. Applicable To General Third Party Liability Classes (Including Products)
3.1 Animal feeds and fertilizer risks which involve the mixing, manufacturing and labelling of these products, other than for:
3.1.1 Retailers.
3.1.2 Risks renewed and issued prior to 1 April 1986.
3.2 Products Liability policies without an Aggregate Limit.
3.3 North American Operations Exclusion (LGT 397) (1994)
This Contract excludes all claims arising out of operations (as herein defined) located in the USA and/or Canada.
However, this exclusion shall not apply to:
3.3.1 Sales and/or Distribution Office(s)
The products liability risk of sales and/or distribution office(s) (as herein defined), provided all products sold and/or distributed therefrom are manufactured outside of the USA and/or Canada and are supplied to the sales and/or distribution office(s) by the original insured.
Commercial Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines – Binder Addendums – Version 2 2020 12