Page 19 - Policy Wording - Commercial Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines Binder Addendum
P. 19
Annexure A – Treaty Exclusions
4.7 Fines, Penalties, Vindictive, punitive and/or exemplary damages.
4.8 Product Liability coverage for manufacturers of tobacco/tobacco products.
Tobacco Manufacturer Products Liability Exclusion
Other than manufacturers of cigarette paper or filters the product liability of manufacturers of tobacco and tobacco products and companies that are liable as a manufacturer of tobacco and tobacco products (e.g. retailer with own brand) are excluded.
4.9 Performance Guarantees.
4.10 Pharmaceutical Exclusion list
This Contract shall not cover claims arising from the production sale or provision of the following:
4.10.1 Blood Borne Pathogens
4.10.2 Canthaxathin
4.10.3 Cerivastatin and/or any other statins and/or fibrates
4.10.4 Cisapride
4.10.5 Contraceptives (including birth control pills) fertility drugs and Products specifically designed and marketed for use during and in connection with pregnancy
4.10.6 Danthron
4.10.7 Debendox
4.10.8 Dexfenfluramine (Redux)
4.10.9 Dicyclomine when given to children under 4 years of age
4.10.10 Diethylstilbestrol
4.10.11 Dioxins
4.10.12 Ephedrine Ma Huang Chinese Ephedra Mahuang Extract Sinica Ephedra Extract Ephedra Herb Powder Epitonin or any derivative thereof
4.10.13 Fenfluramine (Pondimin)
4.10.14 Germanium
4.10.15 Halogenated 8 and Hydroxy Quinolines
4.10.16 Hydroquinone
4.10.17 Methylphenidate
4.10.18 Pertussis vaccine
4.10.19 Phenfluramine (Fen-Phen)
4.10.20 Phenylpropanolamine (PPA)
4.10.21 Primodos/Amenorone Forte
4.10.22 Prozac or Fluexetine
4.10.23 Remicade
4.10.24 Skin whitening or lightening agents
4.10.25 Swine-Flu Vaccine
4.10.26 Thalidomide
4.10.27 Thimerosa/Thiomersal
4.10.28 Tretinoin (retinoic acid or its salts) including Isotretinoin (Accutane) or any derivative thereof
4.10.29 Tryptophan
Commercial Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines – Binder Addendums – Version 2 2020 16