Page 21 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder - Version 3
P. 21

 Buildings and Household contents
Communes are a decline-type risk. A commune means that everyone living at the premises, share possessions and responsibilities. If it is not a true commune, the risk can be referred to Hollard for consideration.
Holiday homes
Cover for a building used as a holiday home can be included in the policy only if the main building is also insured on the policy.
Security measures
○ minimum security measures for free-standing houses with a Household contents sum insured below R750 000 are burglar bars (to all opening windows) and security gates (to all exiting doors/sliding doors). The relevant guarantee(s) must be stated in the schedule.
○ a radio-linked alarm with a 24-hour armed response service is a requirement for all risks with a Household contents sum insured in excess of R750 000 unless the property is situated in a high-security complex. The relevant guarantee(s) must be stated in the schedule.
○ minimum security requirements for flats/apartments above the ground floor are burglar bars to all opening windows and security gates to all exiting doors. All sliding doors leading to the outside/balcony (not exiting doors), must be fitted with additional locking bolts, if not fitted with security gates. The sliding doors and locking bolts must be locked when the flat/apartment is left unoccupied. This applies unless the risk is situated in a high- security complex. The relevant guarantee(s) must be stated in the schedule.
○ minimum security measures for the Buildings section follows the Household contents rules, i.e., if the Household contents sum insured requires an alarm, then the same requirement is applicable to the Buildings.
○ discretion must be used when we insure stand-alone Buildings. It must be referred to Hollard if the sum insured is in excess of R1 000 000 and there are none of the above security measures in place.
○ properties in high-security complexes or estates do not require individual alarms, burglar bars or security gates. The complex or estate must have 24-hour guarded access control to the complex, a high perimeter wall with electric fencing, alarmed and linked to either a 24-hour armed-response service or the guardhouse. When the premises are unoccupied, theft or burglary claims will only be considered on the following conditions:
– all opening windows not protected by burglar bars must be closed
– all exit doors not protected by security gates must be locked
– there must be clear signs of forced entry to or exit from the buildings
If a 24-hour armed-response service linked alarm system is installed in the buildings
– the alarm must be activated
– the alarm must be working properly and the contract with the armed response company must be
– the client must change the generic code to their own unique code.
Note: The use of transparent polycarbonate security bars and security gates, instead of conventional security bars and gates is accepted.
Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines – Binder – Version 3

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