Page 22 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder - Version 3
P. 22

 Buildings and Household contents
  Security measures post claims/losses – corrective action
The minimum security measures must be reviewed in all instances where claims/losses were suffered due to theft/ burglary. Any additional measures must be appropriate and improve the protection of the risk. A notice period of 31 days must be given for the insured to comply. If repeated thefts or burglaries occurred in spite of sophisticated security precautions the risk may become uninsurable.
Note: The security guarantees reflected in the schedule should mimic the guarantees stated in the wording to avoid conflict at the time of a claim.
Construction of the risk Wall and roof type
The material used for the construction of the walls and roof of a building influences the acceptance criteria under both the Buildings and Household contents sections. Certain non-standard construction-type structures increase the exposure of Household contents to theft (for example, non-standard wall construction) and fire (for example, shingle roof construction) and will influence the premium charged. Other construction types such as asbestos walls are decline- type risks.
Standard construction
This means that all buildings on the premises have been built with:
○ walls of brick, stone or concrete and
○ roofs of slate, tile, concrete, asbestos or metal. Nutec roofs are also accepted as standard construction. Non-Standard construction
Timber-framed homes with Gypsum cladding on the inside and cement-fibre cladding on the outside were previously accepted as standard construction. This stance has been reviewed and these risks must be referred to Hollard, with photographs of the structure. Hollard will confirm if the structure should be rated as standard or non-standard construction.
Queries on new types of construction materials must be referred to Hollard, to confirm if it would be rated as standard or non-standard construction.
There are two main categories of shingles, the most common being wood and the other consisting of metal, asphalt or composite.
○ risks with wood-shingle roofs MUST be underwritten as a non-standard construction. It is recommended that these roofs are treated with SABS-approved combustion (fire) retardant and maintained as per the manufacturer’s specifications.
○ in the case of metal, asphalt or composite, no additional measures are required. Thatch construction
The client must tell us if the roof is constructed of thatch. The client will not be covered for loss or damage from a fire if the home does not have either a Lightning conductor or Surge protection, unless agreed to by Hollard.
 Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines – Binder – Version 3 21

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