Page 30 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
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 5.2 Theft of a radio
5.2.1 The claims handler must check the file and establish what type of claim is being dealt with and become familiar with the procedures which are to be followed for the type of claim, after completing the steps below: Ensure that documentation for proof of cover and premium confirmation is on file, for the specific date of loss for which the claim is submitted. Verify that the client has the appropriate cover for the type of claim submitted, print a schedule and put on file. Ensure that all the required documents are contained in the file. If any documents are missing, take steps to obtain them. Documents should preferably be requested by letter/email and a copy of the letter/email should be kept on file. Verify that the client has reported the theft to the police.
NOTE: Refer to the policy wording for the clarity of the excess.
5.2.2 Irrespective of whether the radio was a standard or non-standard make or factory-fitted model: satisfy yourself that the claim is valid. ensure that the sum insured is adequate.
NOTE: It must be noted that if the radio was an optional extra, the client should be in a position to supply the purchase invoice stating this. Should the client not be able to provide a valid copy/original purchase invoice, use your discretion on the validity of the claim.
5.2.3 Once the checks have been done as per and above: negotiate a replacement with an approved radio merchant. send an authorisation letter to the client.
Towing queries – Assist line contact: 086 003 8262
Other divisions have a dedicated person dealing specifically with towing related queries or car hire. Hollard Insure has a towing specialist to sort out towing related queries, and they can be contacted on This is also part of the negotiator's duties. Hollard has select suppliers and repairers, which means that there are special rates that have been agreed on between Hollard and the suppliers. Our supplier of choice with regards to towing is:
First Road Emergency
When a vehicle is towed from an accident scene by one of the above mentioned towing operators, then they will need to apply the agreed rates. In the case where the towing operator was not aware that the vehicle belonged to a Hollard client at the time they towed the vehicle, they will need to amend the amount they charged according to the agreed rates as soon as Hollard contacts them. The towing specialist is there to assist the binder holder with inconsistencies towards the cost of towing. It is the responsibility of the towing specialist to negotiate with the towing operators to reduce the price accordingly. You need to have strong negotiation skills, be tactful, diligent and assertive. Should the towing operator refuse to charge according to the agreed rates, the query can be escalated to the towing association or procurement. The towing operator is not allowed to charge storage from the day the query arose up until it has been resolved.
The towing operators can be very aggressive at times and it is very important that the towing specialist handles the conversation in a professional manner. Every query should be recorded and filed. There is a towing query template under the Management Drive. The claim administrator needs to draw up a report on a quarterly basis for all the savings made for that quarter. The report needs to be forwarded to the Claims team and Procurement.
Panel beaters are not allowed to pay towing invoices. They should always forward the invoices to the insurer for settlement. This is important as it is always a mission to recover money from towing operators who were overpaid.
Motor Claims Procedures
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Full Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – V3: 2019

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