Page 29 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
P. 29

 Motor Claims Procedures
  4.3 The glazier will contact the broker, and has to provide the following:
4.3.1 policy/claim number (wherever possible)
4.3.2 registration number of vehicle
4.3.3 make/model of vehicle.
4.4 Place the following onto the file:
4.4.1 a claims checklist
4.4.2 action sheet
4.4.3 a printout of the client’s policy document details
4.4.4 one hard copy of the claims printout
4.4.5 a note of any other relevant information gleaned from the conversation with the client (noted on the action list).
5.1 Attempted theft and damages
5.1.1 The claims handler must check the file and establish what type of claim is being dealt with and become familiar with the procedures which are to be followed for the type of claim, after completing the steps below: Ensure that documentation for proof of cover and premium confirmation is on file, for the specific date of loss for which the claim is submitted. Verify that the client has the appropriate cover for the type of claim submitted, print a schedule and put on file. Ensure that all the required documents are contained in the file. If any documents are missing, take steps to obtain them. Documents should preferably be requested by letter/email and a copy of the letter/email should be kept on file.
5.1.2 Documents to be submitted, in addition to the completed claim form, at the inception of the claim, are the following: copy of the original purchase invoice of the radio (if not factory fitted):
a. Immediately check the policy to see whether the claimant has taken out additional cover should the radio exceed the normal claim price limits (refer to the applicable policy). a quote for repairs should any damages, other than the radio and window have been caused:
a. If glass damage occurred, instruct the claimant to phone the authorised glazier.
b. If any other damage occurred, such damages should be recorded under the main claim.
5.1.3 Ensure that all the information is available and that the estimate has been raised correctly.
5.1.4 Place the following on the electronic/hard copy file: a claims checklist an action sheet a copy of the client’s policy document details one copy of the claims printout a note of any other relevant information gleaned from the conversation with the client (as noted on the action sheet).
 Full Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – V3: 2019 Page | 27

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