Page 31 - Personal Underwriting Mandates & Guidelines - Binder product rules & addendums - Version 1
P. 31
Motor Claims Procedures
6.1.1 In many cases, the vehicle has already been removed from the scene of the accident by a tow truck and taken to a panel beater.
6.1.2 Arrange for the vehicle to be moved to one of the relevant panel beaters if not already there, to arrange for the obtaining of a quotation for repairs.
6.1.3 Refer the client to the limits of liability regarding towing, as detailed in the policy, where applicable.
If for any reason a vehicle is a write-off or if it is uneconomical to repair:
7.1 Request the notification from the assessor that the vehicle is a write-off in terms of its retail value/sum insured related to the cost of repairs.
7.2 If the case is marginal, a decision in conjunction with Hollard, can be made as to the viability of either repairing or writing-off of the insured vehicle.
7.3 If the vehicle is a write-off, request the following from the insured:
7.3.1 the original registration certificate if the vehicle has been written-off as either a code 2 or code 3 and is not subject to a credit agreement.
7.3.2 the original deregistration certificate if the vehicle has been written-off as a code 3A.
7.3.3 a copy of the contract with the bank, together with the settlement figure if the vehicle is under credit agreement request.
7.4 If the vehicle is within the recognised towing area (refer Salvage Contract):
7.4.1 instruct the salvage dealer to move the vehicle into his yard immediately.
7.4.2 obtain a stock number for the salvage.
7.4.3 send the relevant invoice and documents to the salvage contractor before the vehicle is disposed of. A salvage invoice book will be provided to you by Hollard.
7.4.4 inform the salvage dealer not to dispose of or dismantle the vehicle until the salvage dealer is in possession of: a copy of the agreement of loss the original registration or deregistration certificate and keys the Salvage tax invoice.
7.5 If the vehicle is outside of the recognised contract area, the broker will consult with the loss adjuster, and make a decision as to how best to dispose of the salvage, either by tender or otherwise.
7.6 If the vehicle is a total burn-out and is declared a code 4 (four), the salvage is to be abandoned and the salvage company must keep records and proof of demolition for 5 (five) years. Photographs must be obtained from salvage dealer and saved by Hollard Salvage team in the Salvage Register.
7.7 Record the details in the Salvage Register.
7.8 Upon receipt of the documents requested, prepare the agreement of loss for authorisation by the authorised signatory, unless the claim is over mandate, then Hollard will authorise accordingly.
7.9 On receipt of the original registration/deregistration certificate, as well as the signed agreement of loss, arrange to conclude the transaction with the salvage contractor/hire purchase agent/insured.
7.10 The broker continually monitors the payments from the salvage contractor and, on receipt of the payment, the broker carries out the procedure for receipt of monies from a debtor, back into the claims account.
7.11 On completion of all the above:
7.11.1 update the Salvage Register and ensure that all the information is recorded
7.11.2 finalise and close the file.
The Salvage Register must be submitted to Hollard Salvage team monthly for sign off and the salvage amounts must be indicated.
Full Binder Claims Mandates and Guidelines – V3: 2019 Page | 29