Page 15 - 2015 A2LA AnnualReport
P. 15

Recognition of                                       Programs

Recognition of A2LA programs includes formal         n A2LA is recognized by the United States             n The U.S Federal Aviation Administration
written agreements between A2LA and users of         Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as an           recognizes A2LA as an “evaluation authority”
accredited organizations, officially documented      accreditation body for Product Certification Bodies   as specified in ASTM C1077 “Standard Practice
endorsements of A2LA programs, and informal          wishing to certify products for the EPA ENERGY        for Laboratories Testing Concrete and Concrete
acceptance between A2LA and various parties.         STAR Program, as well as being recognized as an       Aggregates for Use in Construction and Criteria
Below are listed the Federal agencies, State         accreditation body for testing laboratories wishing   for Laboratory Evaluation”, Sections. and
agencies, and private sector parties with whom       to test products for this program. In January         11, and as a “national authority” as specified in
A2LA had some type of formal written agreement       2011, the EPA implemented a major overhaul to         ASTM D3666, “Standard Specification for Minimum
of recognition or documented endorsement in          the ENERGY STAR program, and began requiring          Requirements for Agencies Testing and Inspecting
2015.                                                third-party certification of all products which were  Road and Paving Materials”, Section 8.1.5, Note 8.
                                                     to receive the ENERGY STAR mark. Certification
n As of March 25, 2014, the Centers for              Bodies wishing to be recognized by the EPA are        n The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),
Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has             required to gain and maintain accreditation           in Volume 6, Chapter 9, Section 9 “Inspect a
approved A2LA as an Accreditation Organiza-          to ISO/IEC Guide 65 from an IAF MLA signatory         Part 145 Repair Station’s Tools and Equipment”,
tion for the accreditation of clinical laboratories  accreditation body located in North America.          requires that all measuring and test equipment be
under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement            Testing laboratories wishing to be recognized for     traceable to a standard acceptable to the FAA
Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) for all specialty          product testing services must either hold accredi-    (such as through an NMI). To meet this require-
and subspecialty areas under CLIA. CMS grants        tation to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 through a recognized     ment, the FAA accepts equipment calibrated by
this “deeming authority” to an Accreditation         accreditation body, or be part of a recognized        a calibration laboratory that is accredited by an
Organization if its requirements for laboratories    certification body’s Witnessed Manufacturer’s         ILAC MRA signatory accreditation body (such as
accredited under its program are equal to or         Test Lab (WMTL) or Supervised Manufacturer’s Test     A2LA).
more stringent than the applicable CLIA program      Lab (SMTL) program. A2LA is one of a select few
requirements in 42 CFR Part 493. A2LA’s program      accreditation bodies recognized to offer product      n The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
requirements were found to meet or exceed the        certification accreditation for the ENERGY STAR       National DNA Index Systems (NDIS) Procedures
applicable CLIA requirements and, as a result,       program, and is the only American accreditation       Board has approved the designation of A2LA as
A2LA has been granted “deeming authority”            body which can offer testing (ISO/IEC 17025) and      an accrediting agency under the United States
by CMS.                                              product certification (ISO/IEC Guide 65) assess-      Federal DNA Identification Act (42 U.S.C. 14132).
                                                     ments in a ‘one-stop-shop’ setting.                   (
n The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA)                                                              analysis/codis/codis-and-ndis-fact-sheet) As a
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT)     n The EPA requires all products bearing the           designated agency, A2LA, through its Forensic
formally recognizes A2LA as a laboratory accredi-    WaterSense label to be independently certified        Accreditation Program, is recognized to accredit
tation body working in cooperation with the EPA      by a certification body who has been accredited       laboratories performing DNA analyses on DNA
National Lead (Pb) Laboratory Accreditation          by one of the approved accreditation bodies,          samples obtained from identified subject(s) for
Program (NLLAP) to accredit lead (Pb) testing        of which A2LA is one. This certification provides     the purposes of entering the resulting DNA profile
laboratories. Laboratories seeking to be listed      consumers with confidence in both the water           or DNA record into a DNA database, as well as
on the NLLAP approved list must comply with          efficiency and performance of WaterSense              laboratories performing DNA analyses on known
the additional Environmental Lead (Pb) Program       labeled products.                                     or casework reference samples considered
Requirements.                                                                                              evidence by that laboratory. In addition,

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