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Description of Accreditation Programs
Laboratory Accreditation Table 1.
Laboratory accreditation is that part of the conformity assess-
ment process that recognizes the technical competence of * Fields and special programs with additional requirements beyond ISO/IEC 17025
laboratories providing calibration or test data. A2LA accredits
all types of laboratories and thus provides one place where a Calibration * Measurements typically conducted by Environmental * Tests for constituents in various EPA
laboratory may achieve accreditation for all of its testing and standards and calibration laboratories for a variety of environmental media.
calibration activities. measurement quantities.
Air Asbestos
A2LA uses ISO/IEC 17025:2005 as the general requirements Air Emissions Testing Bioassay
for accreditation of calibration and testing (with the Testing: Radon
exception of clinical testing) laboratories. A description of
the accreditation process is maintained in A2LA’s document Acoustics & Vibration Tests involving the measurement Bodies (AETBs) Water
titled R101 - General Requirements: Accreditation of ISO/IEC of noise emission, noise exposure, sound transmission, DoD Environmental
17025 Laboratories. The laboratory’s commitment to A2LA in sound absorption, and vibration. Environmental Lead (Pb) *
pursuing accreditation is documented in R102 - Conditions for Solid/Hazardous Wastes
Accreditation. Biological Biological, microbiological and biochemical TNI Field Sampling and Measurement Organizations
testing and measurement, including examination of TX Department of Health Indoor Air Quality*
Because of the needs of users (users of accredited laborato- foods and pharmaceuticals. Underground Storage Tanks (KY & WY)*
ries) and specifiers (organizations that require accreditation,
including government and private sector entities), specific Food Microbiology* Forensic Examination * Testing and Inspection activities
technical criteria have been developed to amplify the Veterinary Diagnostics* which occur during the recognition, collection, analysis,
requirements of the general criteria (e.g. ISO/IEC 17025) for Cannabis and interpretation of physical evidence for criminal and
several of the programs and fields of testing and calibration. civil law or regulatory purposes.1
Chemical Analyses and detection including instrumen-
Upon successful completion of the accreditation process, tal and automated methods, and associated physical Geotechnical * Tests of soil and rock to provide
a Scope of Accreditation is granted for each field of testing tests on materials and products. engineering data.
which lists specific tests or types of tests for which the labora-
tory has been found competent. For calibration laboratories, Animal Drug Testing* Coal Putting Green Materials*
Scopes of Accreditation include a description of the labora- Fasteners and Metals* Fertilizers
tory’s capabilities in terms of measurement parameter, range, Paint Food Chemistry* Information Technology * Tests of any aspect of a
calibration & measurement capability (CMC) expressed as an Consumer Products Cannabis hardware or software environment.
uncertainty, and technique and/or equipment. Veterinary Diagnostics* Anti-Doping*
Mechanical Tests, measurements, and evaluation
A supplement to the application for accreditation (I109 Clinical * Specific clinical laboratory tests on samples of physical properties of materials, components, and
– Fields of Accreditation for ISO/IEC 17025 Laboratories) from humans. (This program is based on ISO 15189 and assemblies.
describes the many technical fields and programs for which CLIA requirements, rather than ISO/IEC 17025.)
a laboratory may apply. These include the programs listed in Consumer Products EPA ENERGY STAR*
Table 1. Construction Materials * Tests to determine the engi- Fasteners and Metals* Paint
neering properties of materials and products used in Paper Plastics
construction. Rubber Windows and Doors
Electrical Tests of an electrical and electronic nature Nondestructive* Examination of materials, components,
performed on instruments, equipment, appliances, and assemblies to detect discontinuities without dam-
components, systems, and materials. aging the material, component or assembly.
EPA ENERGY STAR®* Wireless Technologies Sustainable Energy Tests for efficient use of energy
Electrical Product Safety Lighting/Photometry and tests of products designed to take advantage of
Telecommunications Interoperability sustainable and renewable energy sources.
Electromagnetic Specific Absorption Rate EPA ENERGY STAR*
Compatibility (EMC) (SAR) Thermal Tests involving the measurement of fire, heat,
Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC) flow, temperature, and humidity.
1 See National Commission on Forensic Science (NCFS) Defining Forensic Science and Related.
6 2015 Annual Report