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n It is competent to perform specific product              are unrelated (e.g. Telecommunication and               n Industry Canada under the APEC TEL MRA
   certifications or specific types of product              WaterSense®) or are developed for different,               Phase II.
   certifications;                                          specific regulators/specifiers in a given industry,
                                                            the certification body will be required to maintain     n S ingapore’s Info-Communications Develop-
n Its management system is documented, is fully            separate Scope(s) of Accreditation for each                ment Authority (IDA) under the APEC TEL MRA
   operational, and addresses and conforms to all           certification program/scheme.                              Phase II.
   elements of ISO/IEC 17065:2012;
                                                            A certification body which also is engaged in           n H ong Kong’s Office of Communications
n It is operating in accordance with the required          another conformity assessment activity such as             Authority (OFCA) under the APEC TEL MRA
   management system; and                                   testing, inspection, measurement or sampling               Phase II.
                                                            work, may apply for accreditation for these
n It conforms to any additional requirements               services concurrently with its application for          n J apan’s Telecommunication Business Act and
   established by A2LA and/or other specifiers              accreditation of its certification activities.             Radio Law (MIC) under the US-Japan MRA.
   which recognize and utilize A2LA accreditations.
                                                            A2LA is recognized by the National Institute            A2LA ISO/IEC 17025 accredited testing labora-
Accreditation is based on A2LA’s assessment of a            for Standards and Technology (NIST) under               tories that are also ISO/IEC 17065 accredited
product certification body’s performance including          the National Voluntary Conformity Assessment            Product Certification Bodies have the choice of
but not limited to procedures, staff competence,            Systems Evaluation (NVCASE) program for                 having both accreditations accomplished with
reporting and surveillance (where relevant). It is          accreditation of telecommunication certification        one assessment from one accreditation body.
available to all product certification bodies.              bodies (TCBs) for FCC requirements. Additionally,       Organizations exercising this option can reduce
                                                            under the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation             cost and time expended during the on-site
A2LA welcomes applications for the accreditation            Telecommunications and Information (APEC TEL)           accreditation process.
of all types of product certifiers. Table 3 lists just      Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA), NIST is
a few examples of work for which accreditation              the Designating Authority for the United States         A2LA continues to be recognized by the United
may be sought.                                              and has listed A2LA as a recognized accredita-          States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as
                                                            tion body for:                                          an accreditation body for Product Certification
Organizations may apply for accreditation to                                                                        Bodies wishing to certify products for the EPA
multiple product certification body schemes.                                                                        ENERGY STAR Program. In January 2011, the EPA
However, when the certification schemes                                                                             implemented a major overhaul to the ENERGY
                                                                                                                    STAR program, and began requiring third-party
Table 3.                                                                                                            certification of all products which were to receive
                                                                                                                    the ENERGY STAR mark. Certification Bodies
PRODUCT CERTIFICATION BODY ACCREDITATION EXAMPLES                                                                   wishing to be recognized by the EPA are required
                                                                                                                    to gain and maintain accreditation to ISO/IEC
 Appliances                                                 Marine products                                       17065 from an IAF-MLA signatory accreditation
 A utomotive lifting devices                               P ersonal protective and safety equipment            body, such as A2LA.
 B ottled water and packaged ice                           P lastic piping systems and components
 Building products                                          Plumbing products                                     A2LA is also listed as an approved accreditation
 B uilding and institutional furniture                     Recreational clothing                                 body for the EPA’s WaterSense program. EPA
 C lass II biohazard cabinetry                             O ccupational health and safety/personal protective  requires all products bearing the WaterSense
 Drinking water additives                                                                                          label to be independently certified by a certifi-
 D rinking water treatment units                            clothing                                              cation body who has been accredited by an
 E lectric appliances and accessories                      Sanitation products                                   approved accreditation body. This certification
 Electrical products                                        Sealed insulating glass                               provides consumers with confidence in both the
 Fenestration products                                      Software                                              water efficiency and performance of WaterSense
 Food service equipment                                     Solar energy                                          labeled products.
 G as appliances and accessories                           S wimming pools, spas and components
 Gas and oil products                                       Telecommunications                                                                             2015 Annual Report
 Lighting products                                          Treated wood
 Manufactured products and recreational vehicle plumbing   W aste water treatment units
                                                             Windmills
  products                                                   Windows and doors
                                                             Wood heaters

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