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Environmental Sustainability & Tech
Tim Chase,
Property Manager
Brilliant Property Management
Greening Condominiums:
Integrating Technology for
Sustainable Living
As the urgency of climate change energy is consumed in residential build- lights are only on when needed and at
intensifies, the demand for sustainable ings. These technologies offer precise appropriate brightness levels.
living solutions has never been greater. control over heating and cooling, ensur- 3. Solar Panels and Renewable Energy
Condominiums, as urban residential ing optimal energy use and reducing Sources
spaces, have a unique opportunity waste. By learning residents’ schedules Harnessing renewable energy sources,
to lead the charge in environmental and preferences, smart thermostats such as solar panels, can dramatically
sustainability through the integration can automatically adjust temperatures, reduce a condominium’s reliance on non-
of energy-efficient technologies. This significantly lowering energy bills and renewable power. Solar panels convert
article explores the latest advance- minimizing carbon footprints. sunlight into electricity, providing a clean
ments in green technologies and 2. LED Lighting and Automated and sustainable energy source. While the
sustainability initiatives, offering Lighting Controls initial investment can be significant, the
practical insights for condominium Lighting accounts for a substantial long-term savings and environmental
managers to create eco-friendly and portion of a building’s energy consump- benefits are substantial. Furthermore,
cost-effective living environments. tion. Transitioning to LED lighting, many regions offer incentives and rebates
which is both energy-efficient and to offset installation costs.
Energy-Efficient Technologies long-lasting, is a straightforward yet
1. Smart Thermostats and HVAC impactful change. Additionally, auto- Sustainability Initiatives Photo: ©
Systems mated lighting controls, such as motion 4. Waste Reduction and Recycling
Smart thermostats and advanced sensors and dimmers, can further Programs
HVAC systems have revolutionized how enhance energy savings by ensuring Implementing comprehensive
20 I CM Magazine FALL 2024