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Welcome to AUCSO 2022  1


 Dear Delegates, Exhibitors and Guests
 It is my great pleasure, on behalf of our Executive Committee, to
 welcome you to the Association of University Chief Security Officers
 (AUCSO) 36th Annual Conference, hosted by the University of
 As most of you will be aware, our previous two conferences
 scheduled for 2020 and 2021 were cancelled due to the challenges
 Les Allan  of the Pandemic. To compensate for those missing years, this year’s
 AUCSO Chairman  programme  is  jammed  packed with  high  profile  speakers,  and
 subjects relevant to the sector.
 The executive has put a lot of effort into ensuring that this conference
 is as engaging and beneficial as possible. I encourage all of you to
 take the opportunity to participate, network and derive maximum
 benefit from our 3-day programme.
 This year we have more than double the number of exhibitors than
 at previous AUCSO Conferences, arrivals night on Tuesday 29th
 March we will hosting a Yorkshire themed welcome evening and
 Exhibitors Fair in the main exhibition hall, where food and drinks
 will be provided.
 When considering our programme of speakers, we were very much
 aware that COVID-19 has been the major discussion point over
 the past two years and we wanted to take a fresh approach and
 look ahead. For this conference we have focused on evolving risks
 and some topical aspects impacting on our sector across the world.
 We have an exciting line-up of experts in the field of security and
 risk presenting at our conference and exhibitors supplying services
 to our sector, giving you opportunities to explore new ideas and
 Our social networking event at the Royal Armouries is certain to be
 one of our highlights and we finish off our conference with our Gala
 Dinner and Awards Event at the prestigious Aspire venue.
 On behalf of the executive and the wider membership I would like
 to thank our sponsors, without their support we would not be able to
 provide the breadth of support, training, and best practice guidance
 to members and the organisations that we serve. Please show your
 support by spending time with them throughout the conference.
 I hope you all have a wonderful time and take advantage of the
 opportunities to make new friends and create alliances with your
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