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TUESDAY 29 MARCH 2022 Extremism isn’t Extinct! The continuing Guy Mathias
1400 (30) Rebellion Immediate Past Chair Conference Auditorium
Times Event Speaker/Organiser Venue The Security Commonwealth
UCARE: Assisting Security Staff after Gunther Groenwals
1400 + Hotel check in Hotels Hotel ibis Styles 1430 (30) traumatic events Ghent University Conference Auditorium
1500 European Region Meeting Benny Vandenberghe Conference Auditorium Gallery 1500 (45) Refreshments and Exhibition The Edge
1700 + Delegate Registration The Edge Sports Hall & Exhibition Centre Feedback on International Exchange Simon Davis
1545 (30) Programme Head of Security Conference Auditorium
1700 First Timers Welcome Executive Committee The Edge Sports Hall & Exhibition Centre Royal Holloway, University of London
Detective Inspector Steve Leach
1730 - 1930 Exhibition Opening All Attendees The Edge Sports Hall & Exhibition Centre How Cyber Attacks affect operational
1615 (45) Head of Cyber Security and Innovation Conference Auditorium
Security teams
North East Business Resilience Centre
WEDNESDAY 30 MARCH 2022 – THE EDGE 1700 Close
Time Event Speaker/Organiser Venue 1845 Coaches depart From Hotels
0800 Conference Registration and Refreshments The Edge 1845-2200 Networking Evening Royal Armouries Museum
0800 Exhibition Open The Edge 2200 Coaches depart to hotels / Leeds City Centre
Dennis Hopper
Welcome and
0900 (15) Interim Chief Operating Officer Conference Auditorium
Conference Opening THURSDAY 31 MARCH 2022 - THE EDGE
University of Leeds
AUCSO Chair and Times Event Speaker/Organiser Notes
0915 (60) AGM (Members only) Conference Auditorium
Executive Committee Tim Lambon
Kidnap and hostage ransom risks for HE
1015 (45) Refreshments and Exhibition The Edge 0900 (45) Director Crisis Response Conference Auditorium
Sector NYA International
Nicky Old
Plenary Session: How are UUK preparing for
1100 (30) Director of External Relations Conference Auditorium Darren Chalmers-Stevens
the challenges of tomorrow?
Universities UK 0945 (30) SafeZone Global Alliance Group COO & MD EMEA/APAC Conference Auditorium
Critical Arc
Paul Fullwood
How the SIA are tackling current and future
1130 (30) Director, Inspections and Enforcement Conference Auditorium 1015 (45) Refreshments/Exhibition The Edge
SIA (Security Industry Authority) Figen Murray
1100 (30) Martyn’s Law and the Protect Duty Conference Auditorium
Daniel Frith Martyn’s Law Campaigner
Safety Reimagined: Linking Technologies
1200 (30) Sales Director Conference Auditorium Protect Duty update and what it means Nick Aldworth
DTS Solutions 1130 (45) for HE Martyn’s Law Campaigner Conference Auditorium
1230 (60) Lunch and Exhibition The Edge
David Rubens
How the HE Security sector can prepare for
1330 (30) Executive Director Conference Auditorium
the next big risk
Institute of Strategic Risk Management