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Speaker & Biography  9  10                   Speaker & Biography

     Paul Fullwood, Director Inspections & Enforcement
 WELCOME AND CONFERENCE OPENING  Paul was appointed as the interim Director for Inspections and
 Dennis Hopper, Interim Chief Operating Officer at the University of Leeds.   Enforcement of the SIA on 17th May 2021. He was confirmed in the
 Dennis is a member of the University Executive Group and Chairs the   permanent role on 21 December 2021.
 University’s Capital Group which manages a capital development   Paul joined the SIA after a 33-year career with the Police Service and
 programme in excess of £80m per annum.  previously HM Armed Forces. Paul retired from policing in 2020 as
 Dennis is a hotel management graduate, with an early career in hotel   Assistant Chief Constable for Bedfordshire Police, Cambridgeshire
 general management and management consultancy providing advice   and Hertfordshire Constabularies with responsibility for major crime,
 on management systems and business performance improvement.   armed policing, counter terrorism, roads policing, scientific services,
 Dennis moved into Higher Education at the University of Edinburgh in   civil contingencies, dogs and public order specialist services.
 1998 and then the University of Leeds in 2002.  Paul was the national policing lead for the strategic investigation of
 Dennis Hopper  Dennis is also a Director of a number of University subsidiary companies   complex, sensitive and serious crime, advising on policy, mentoring
 and is Chair of the Board of Weetwood Hall Conference Centre and   and developing future senior law enforcement leaders and senior
 Hotel.                 detectives.
 RISKS, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES – WHAT NEXT FOR THE   Paul continues to provide support across UK law enforcement as a
 UK’S UNIVERSITIES?     College of Policing Associate and advisor. This also includes ongoing
                        oversight of a high-profile child homicide enquiry and recently leading
 Nicky Old, Director of External Relations Universities UK  on sensitive national thematic/homicide reviews on behalf of the NPCC
 Nicky Old is Director of External Relations at Universities UK where she   across the United Kingdom.
 leads the in-house team covering media engagement, government and
 political affairs, social media, events and campaigning activities. At   Short Synopsis:
 UUK she is currently coordinating the organisation’s response to Covid-  Paul would like to cover 3 issues/workstreams that the SIA is
 19 including engagement with the UK government. Her team has   concentrating on:
 worked on campaigning activities ranging from the EU Referendum,   • MAI – MR 7 & MR 8 – protect/CT threat
 immigration reform and freedom of speech issues and an ongoing   • SIA increased inspection activity linked to public safety.
 project on public perceptions of universities - the MadeAtUni campaign.   • Violence Against Woman & Girls Strategy – linked to spiking.
 Before joining Universities UK, Nicky was Chief of Staff for the CEO of
 Nicky Old
 the Education Funding Agency, part of the Department for Education.
 She also led on public affairs for the Labour government’s Building
 Schools for the Future programme, and before working in government
 was a Head of Press and Information for the University of Oxford. She
 originally trained and worked as a print journalist.
 Short Synopsis:
 As we emerge from Covid-19 pandemic  - the biggest global challenge
 we have ever faced -  there’s a long list of issues for university leaders
 and professional services staff to address. This session will look at the
 political and policy challenges and changes ahead; public perceptions
 of our universities; and UUK’s work to ensure the safety and wellbeing
 of our students, staff and communities.
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