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Speaker & Biography                                                     13           14                                      Speaker & Biography

     GHENT UNIVERSITY                                                                    Detective Inspector Steve Leach, Head of Cyber Security and Innovation
     Gunther Groenwals, Coordinator UCare – confidential advisor                         North East Business Resilience Centre
                        Gunther Groenwals was a health and safety advisor in the public sector              Steve is a Detective Inspector with 27 years policing experience, the
                        for 15 years before making the career switch to Ghent University. There             majority spent within CID, both at a Force and Regional level. Steve has
                        he specialized as a confidential advisor in the department Psychosocial             a keen interest in the digital and cyber world. He has worked in internet
                        Well-being of the Internal Health and Safety Office. Given his interest             and fraud investigations and more recently was part of the team that
                        and expertise, he soon became responsible for coordinating UCare, a                 was responsible for the introduction of force-wide Cyber Crime Unit.
                        team that provides psychosocial support to students and staff after                 Steve is now the Head of Business Development  and Innovation
                        being  confronted  with a shocking  event.  The  team  he works  with               for the North East Business Resilience Centre (NEBRC), part of the
                        consists of professionals and voluntary employees who are professionally            wider National Cyber Resilience Centre Group (NCRCG) These are
                        trained.                                                                            standalone organisations, but are supported and funded by the Home
     Gunther Groenwals                                                                   Detective Inspector
                        Short Synopsis:                                                  Steve Leach        Office, UK police forces and Ambassador partners.  They exist to help
                        UCare is a team of trained professionals and volunteers at Ghent                    local businesses of all sizes and raise awareness of cyber crime and
                        University to provide support and care to university staff and students             fraud through membership and affordable services.
                        after shocking events. One of the founding members of this team will
                        talk about the origins and history of this initiative, give an introduction   THURSDAY 31 MARCH
                        to psycho-education and share his experiences based on real-life
                        cases.                                                           KIDNAP AND RANSOM RISKS FOR HE SECTOR
                                                                                         Tim Lambon, Director Special Risks
     FEEDBACK ON AUCSO INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMME 2019                                                Tim Lambon is C24’s Director Special Risks. After five years in the
     Simon Davis, Head of Security                                                                          Rhodesian armed forces, Tim spent the next 27 years as an international
                        Simon Davis has been the Head of Security at Royal Holloway, University             combat journalist winning many prestigious awards. Covering almost
                        of London for the past six years. He was elected to College Council in              every theatre of conflict since the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in
                        October 2021 and has a post-graduate diploma in risk, crisis and                    1979, after the 2003 Iraq War and Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in
                        disaster management. Previously a Chief Inspector in the Metropolitan               2006 Tim was appointed Deputy Foreign Editor of Channel 4 News.
                        Police with over 33 years’ service. In 2021, Royal Holloway’s security              Four years later he was head hunted to become a Senior Crisis
                        team were presented with an award from Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant                Response Consultant with a well-known international response
                        of Surrey for their outstanding support towards the community. Royal                consultancy. He has now been Director Crisis Response at C24 for
                        Holloway was awarded AUCSO security team of the year in 2016.    Tim Lambon         more than five years, having advised on or managed + 700 cases
                        Simon was selected to participate in the AUCSO international exchange               across the spectrum of special risks perils.
     Simon Davis
                        programme in 2019.
                                                                                                            Short Synopsis:
                        Short Synopsis:                                                                     What used to be kidnap insurance is now broad risk/peril insurance
                        The 2019 AUCSO International Exchange Programme participants                        and comes with the assistance of dedicated response professionals to
                        were Simon Davis, Head of Security at Royal Holloway, University                    help your crisis management team deal with a variety of incidents from
                        of London and Dan Sarrasin, Manager of Security and Emergency                       evacuations to extortions such as kidnapping.
                        Response, Red Deer College, Alberta, Canada.
                                                                                                            •  A brief overview of current special risks insurance to understand why
                                                                                                               it is essential.
                                                                                                            •  An understanding  of how  a  response  consultant assists  in  the
                                                                                                               management a kidnap case.
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