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Speaker & Biography  11  12                  Speaker & Biography

 Dr David Rubens, Executive Director Institute of Strategic Risk Management  Guy Mathias, The Security Commonwealth
 Dr David Rubens is CEO of the Deltar Group and Executive Director   Guy is a subject matter expert on Extremism, delivering numerous
 of the Institute of Strategic Risk Management (ISRM), which he founded   lectures across the globe to industrial, academic and government
 in 2018. He is a recognised authority on the strategic management of   sectors, and Police & UK Government bodies.
 complex events, particularly within a multi-agency crisis management   Chair of the UK Pharmaceutical Industry Security Forum 2009 - 2014,
 framework. He has worked with government agencies, multi-national   he worked in a pivotal role to develop and maintain close working
 corporations and global NGOs in modelling, preparing for and   relationships with industrial, academic and Government sectors.
 engaging with the complex risks that the world is currently facing.
 David contributed to the UK Critical Infrastructure Resilience Executive   Guy served as corporate security advisor to GSK, responsible for
                        auditing their global manufacturing facilities
 Steering Committee as a Subject Matter Expert for the strategic
 Dr David Rubens  Guy Mathias
 management of complex crisis events and was a founding member   He is a Fellow of the Security Institute and served as Validation Board
 of the London Resilience Gold Command Crisis Management Project   Chair & Strategy Director.
 Academic Advisory Group. He is currently a member of the UK   In October 2017, he was appointed Chair of the Food & Drink Security
 National Preparedness Commission. Dr Rubens was voted the IFSEC   Association.
 No 1 Global Security Thought Leader of 2019.
                        He is Chair of Eastern Region, Cross Sector Safety & Security
 Short Synopsis:        Communications (CSSC).
 The risk environment of 2022 –‘25 is very different to that of even   2019 Guy was appointed Chair of The Security Commonwealth until
 five years ago. The focus of the presentation will be a review of the   standing down in 2021 to become Immediate Past Chair.
 changing nature of the risk environment we are all operating in,   In July 2020, Guy was appointed by the Security Industry Authority (SIA)
 identifying some of the challenges that creates and exploring some   to its Strategic Forum.
 of the steps we can take to prepare ourselves for the risks and events,   Guy is currently Risk, Insurance & Operations Director at Suntory.
 both known and unknowable, that we will undoubtedly be facing in
 the coming years.      Short Synopsis:
                        This presentation will set out the approach the OfS is taking to tackle
                        all forms of harassment and sexual misconduct affecting students in all
                        types of HE provider in England. Amy will describe the OfS’s statement
                        of expectations, launched in 2021, and their plans for evaluating its
                        impact on university and college systems, policies and processes and
                        the part that the university security community can play in implementing
                        these and keeping students safe and well on campus.
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