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Speaker & Biography                                                     15           16                                      Speaker & Biography

     MARTYN’S LAW – PROGRESS UPDATE                                                      Prof Noemie Bouhana
     Figen Murray OBE                                                                    Professor of Crime Science and Counter Extremism UCL
                        Figen Murray is the mother of Martyn Hett, who was killed at the                    Noémie Bouhana is Professor of Crime Science and Counter Extremism
                        Manchester Arena terrorist attack in May 2017.                                      at University College London, where she co-leads the Counter-Terrorism
                        Since the attack, Figen promotes peace, kindness, and tolerance by                  Research Group. Her work is concerned with the processes involved in
                        speaking at schools, colleges, and universities. She also educates                  the emergence of extremist social ecologies in complex systems and the
                        young people about online radicalisation.                                           implications of this understanding for the analysis of risk. She directed
                        Figen is the force behind Martyn’s Law, a legislation requiring publicly            the 2.9M EU FP7 PRIME project, an international consortium of six
                                                                                                            European  universities  conducting  multidisciplinary  research  in  the
                        accessible locations to improve security against the threat of terrorism.           prevention and mitigation of lone actor radicalisation and attack
                        Her ambitions to better understand counter terrorism saw her achieve                behaviour. Most recently, she completed the $1M project “The Social
     Figen Murray OBE   a distinction in a counter terrorism master’s degree from the University   Prof Noemie Bouhana  Ecology of Radicalisation”, funded by the US DoD Minerva Initiative.
                        of Central Lancashire.                                                              Currently, she is funded by the Centre for Research and Evidence on
                        Figen’s dedication and work in counter terrorism saw her awarded an                 Security Threats (CREST) to develop an environmental risk analysis
                        OBE in the 2022 New Year’s Honours List.                                            framework for extremism. Previous work has been supported by DStl,
                        Short Synopsis:                                                                     OSCT, the MoD Counter-Terrorism Science and Technology Centre,
                        An outline of the personal impact of terrorism and overview of Martyn’s             EPSRC, and the US National Institute of Justice, among others.
                        Law and the public consultation.
                                                                                         IACLEA UPDATE
     MARTYN’S LAW – PROGRESS UPDATE                                                      Chief John Ojeisekhoba, IACLEA President-Elect, Associate VP & Chief of
     Nick Aldworth, Risk to Resolution Ltd                                               Campus Safety Biola University, California
                        Nick Aldworth is the former UK CT National Coordinator for Protect
                        and Prepare.
                        He was London’s CT protective security and preparedness lead during   STUDENTS: DRUGS, BOOZE AND ‘SMART PILLS’
                        the 2017 terrorist attacks, responsible for coordinating the police and   Liam Watson, Director
                        other emergency service responses to those incidents, and supporting                Liam has extensive experience in the drugs field and has been
                        the private sector to be stronger.                                                  responsible for the development and implementation of a range of
                        In 2019, Nick joined forces with Figen Murray and Brendan Cox                       initiatives with drugs services, local authorities, police drugs squads,
                        to campaign for the UK Protect Duty, and he was the author of the                   criminal justice, universities and commercial businesses. Liam was
     Nick Aldworth      proposal on which the government has recently consulted.                            Chair of the Welsh Forum of Drug Specialists for five years and a
                                                                                                            Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Health and Social Care at the
                        Nick set up his own company, Risk to Resolution Ltd (R2R), with a view              University of The West of England in Bristol. He has appeared on BBC,
                        to helping organisations identify the challenges they face and support              ITN and other news outlets over the years talking about substance
                        them, and their staff, in resolving them.  As well as Carlisle Support              misuse issues.
                        Services, Nick regularly works with several other bodies, including Pool   Liam Watson
                        Reinsurance  (the  government’s terrorism reinsurer),  the  Homeland
                        Security Group (OSCT), and CT Policing. R2R has been supporting the
                        University of Essex with a range of services.
                        Short Synopsis:
                        In this presentation, Figen and Nick will talk about the protect duty and
                        use real world examples of why we need it and what it’s likely to look
                        like when it is enacted later this year.
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