Page 38 - AreaNewsletters "Feb'20" issue
P. 38
My goal in this monthly column is to inform our readers about current and planned changes going on around the Town of Castle Rock without making judgments or editorial comments.
RidgeGate at Lone Tree:
As you’re ying southbound on I-25, just before the RidgeGate exit, have you seen a very old, historic looking ranch to the right of the highway, just east of Cabella’s? This is the historic Schweiger Ranch, founded in 1874 by three brothers, John, Joseph and Jacob Schweiger. Over many years, the ranch buildings and house fell into disrepair. Coventry Development LLC committed to a master plan to turn this ranch into a cultural and educational facility. Hence, the beginnings of what is now the Schweiger Ranch Foundation and Interpretive Discovery Center. The Foundation holds special events throughout the year for Douglas County and Lone Tree residents. It’s a great place to take the kids during times of these scheduled special events! Some events planned for 2020 include but are not limited to: Schweiger Ranch Open Day (April 18th), Birds of Schweiger Ranch Nature Hike (May 16th), Ranch Guided Tours (June 16th), Ranch Open Day (June 20th), Camp re Series: Teddy Roosevelt (June 20th).
Did you know that a new hiking/biking trail is being built near the new Park and Ride Rail Station at RidgeGate exit at I-25, very near to the Schweiger Ranch? The newly constructed trail has a brand new parking lot for hikers/bikers. Eventually the trail will connect to trails going to the Rueter-Hess Reservoir and new housing developments currently under construction.
Personal Warehouse
The light industrial warehouse complex which you can see from Interstate 25, just south of Medved and directly across from World Compass Academy is under a major expansion. This is referred to as the “Personal Warehouse “. In a recent article which I wrote, I provided a list of what businesses currently occupy this light industrial space. I think it would be useful to give a list of current tenants. Here is a list in no particular order:
• Relic Automotive: A car, home, and commercial design installation and fabrication specialist. They are experts in audio, video, safety, and convenience solution for automotive, home, and commercial applications.
• East on Castle Rock: O ering Brazilian Ju Jitsu classes, kids martial arts classes, kickboxing, Muay Thai Kickboxing and special events.
• TristarCoatings:Theyo erwindowtinting,paintprotection lminstall,vehiclewrap,dentrepair and powder coating.
Wade A. Frary
February 2020 • Castle Rock “AreaNewsletters” 38