Page 4 - Mahabharata_Hero.pdf
P. 4
these five sons came to Hastinpur and Krishna and Mahabharata. What are
claimed half of the Kingdom from you coming to?”
Dhritarashtra. Isn't it like your neighbor
claiming half of your house? So, who are "Mahabharata is epic of Human behavior
villains here?” in its totality. It negates discrimination of
any sorts - caste, creed and sex. It tells
"Udayji, I didn't think in this angle....” you that a position is NOT birth based,
but based on Karma. “
"Dhritarashtra was magnanimous and
treated them with equal importance. Thus “Some people say Yudhistira did villainy
a part of the Kingdom was given to by gambling?”
"Yudhistra was the wisest of men, an
"So, Yudhistira (Dharmaputra), eldest of embodiment of Dharma, BUT like all men
Pandava, became the King. So he is the he too had a weakness, a weakness for
hero...” gambling. Gambling is a vice that can
drive the sanest of men to insanity. There
"You are still in the realm of hero and could not have been a better example
villain concept. Dharmaputra went in for than Yudhistira.”
the evil vices. By playing dice game he
brought insult to his wife. He lost his "What about Duryodhana, if he is rightful
kingdom to heir, why did Krishna oppose him?”
Duryodhana. Even then, Dhritarashtra
pardoned him and gave the Kingdom "Duryodhana was King by birth only. He
back. But he went in for dice game again didn't follow his Dharma as a King. A
- a man can make mistake once, but here person becomes Kshatriya King by his
is the wisest of all men succumbing to deeds and virtues, not by birth. Krishna
vice twice! So how can you say he is the was born as a Yadav, today's OBC. He
hero?” was neither Kshatriya nor Brahmin...
Krishna was an embodiment of Dharma.
"So who is the hero of Mahabharata?
“If somebody tells you Krishna was
biased to Pandavas as they were his
cousins? Didn't he know that Pandavas
were not rightful heir of Hastinpur? Why
did he support them?”
"Udayji - I am totally confused now. I
know you are a great proponent of
P.g. Better Living