Page 5 - Mahabharata_Hero.pdf
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A King should respect all his citizens                       and why should one always follow it.
    equally. When Pandavas were ill-treated,                    The top priority is sustaining Dharma in
    Krishna supported them. He was                              the world. And even Gods will get

    supporting Dharma. It was not because                       punished if they don't follow the Dharma.
    they were his cousins. If relation was the
    priority he could have saved his own sons                   If you are teaching your children
    and grandsons from death...Krishna                          Mahabharata the way you tell God vs.
    always followed Dharma, that's why we                       Satan stories, you are making a big
    elevated him to the position of an Avatar.                  mistake. You won't be able to answer the
    All the heroes and villains of Kuru clan                    questions posed by them. So, try to read
    were sons or grandsons of Vyasa, who                        original Mahabharata, rather than picture
    was son of a fisherwoman...”                                 stories and adapted forms.
    "So, Vysa is the real hero of                               logical/)
                                                                "Do you know why does the entire world
    "In that case, he should have introduced                    respect Chinese traditions and historical
    himself as the most handsome,                               culture? How did the modern world come
    six-packed hero. Instead he is describing                   to know about Chinese culture?”
    himself as ugliest looking man.
    100 Kauravas are born on his blessings.                     "Why?”
    He is the mental father to them. Still                      "The period movies from China became
    he chooses to make Kauravas fail, why?”
                                                                hits all around the world. Chinese martial

    "Oh, so to understand Mahabharata one                       art forms are a house hold name and
    has to research a lot...”                                   youths are getting attracted to it. It proves
                                                                that cinema is still the strongest medium

    "Even MT told me that one life time is not                  to send messages across the world. Hu
    enough to understand Mahabharata.                           Shih, former Ambassador of China to
    It's an ocean. Every one takes a drop                       USA once said “India conquered and
    from it and says we learnt                                  dominated China culturally for 20
    Mahabharata...”                                             centuries without ever having to send a
                                                                single soldier across her border.” How
    Mahabharata is not a Hollywood Good                         many people know that Karate is
    guys Vs bad guys story. It does not teach                   originated from South India?”
    you Kindergarten morals.
                                                                "Yes, I have seen a Tamil movie about
    Because, the hero of Mahabharata is                         Bodhi dharma...”
    Dharma. It's all about Dharma. It tells you

    that Dharma is above than any relation                      “Yes, you came to know through a movie.

                                                     P.g. Better Living
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