Page 12 - Safet Systems of Work
P. 12
SSOW 12 Bulk Mixer Loading
A safe system of work is a formal procedure which results from systematic examination of a task in
order to identify all the hazards. It defines safe methods to ensure that hazards are eliminated or
risks minimized.
Ensure the correct appropriate PPE is worn and that Manual Handling training
has been completed before attempting to complete this task.
Position the mixer onto the middle of tail Raise tail lift, then rotate the front mixer
lift with and ensure the tail lift flaps are in wheels to face the front of the vehicle
the upright position
Pull onto vehicle and position the mixer Secure using a ratchet straps attached to
to the front (bulkhead) and fold the the internal anchor points on vehicle
steering handle underneath
HSEQ Department Author: Bob Tantrum Date 09/11/2021 Reviewed: 11/2022 Version: V3