Page 13 - New Agent Real Estate training book
P. 13
6. Leverage the speed of the market.
• The school of fish mentality.
• Fear of loss is the #1motivator.
• Give wise counsel.
7. Bring them to a decision.
Which house would you like to write an offer on first?”
When a buyer is considering purchasing a property, your job as their agent is to advise and educate a
buyer on the details of a specific property. Each property is unique, so you must determine which
possible issues will apply to your situation and make sure you properly inform your client. Common
concerns and issues include but are not limited to the following;
• items on the property disclosure
• property taxes (
• HOA fees, Capital Contributions to the HOA, HOA Rules and Regulations
• Property lines, ( GIS or recommend Survey for exact dimensions)
• furniture (if being sold furnished)
• Flood Zones, Elevation certificate (review Flood/Beach Front chapter)
• Beach Front disclosure if oceanfront (review Flood/Beach Front chapter)
• Lead paint disclosures (properties built after 1978)
• Current leases or rental agreements (review SC Landlord Tenet Act/SC Vacation Rental
• Contingencies
Once the buyer has found a property they wish to make an offer on, you should prepare them for what
to expect during the process. A quick explanation of the buying process and answering the most
common buyer concerns ahead of time will set the expectations and diffuse potential problems before
they become a larger issue.
General Buying Process Script
Submitting an offer
Now that we’ve found a home that you like, if you are thinking of submitting an offer on this
home, let me take a moment and explain what that entails. I will write the offer and be the one to
present it to the seller’s agent. Once we make an offer, we usually give the seller a specific timeframe to
respond, for example 48 hours to hear back. We typically hear back much sooner. At that point, the
seller will review our offer with their listing agent, and can either accept our offer, counter our offer, or
reject our offer.