Page 5 - RR Level R-28 Caterpillars
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          149_CR14_RR_114242.indd Page 5  30/03/12  11:42 PM sf-028/Volumes/101/GO00975_RRA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/...

                              McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,   /Volumes/101/GO00975_RRA/CORE_READING_2014/ANCILLARY/...
                             Ken Cavanaugh photographer

                                                                            Index Stock/Alamy
                How do caterpillars protect themselves?

                Some caterpillars have brightly colored

                stripes, while others have spiky, long hair.

                Bright colors warn other animals that this

                caterpillar doesn’t taste very good. Spiky

                long hairs will sting a bird that tries to

                eat it.


                        Program: Core Reading  Component: RR
                                                                   PDF Pages
                        Vendor: Aptara
                                            Grade: 2-6

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