Page 103 - Carrollton 1975
P. 103
to dream deep within m y soul
to acknowledge that in life's
dealing every dream precedes
the goal.
To leave m y yesterdays behind me
for they have been and gone
But live for what I have today
for tom orrow brings a new dawn.
And last but m ost im portant
to love m y friend and brothers.
To emulate a perfect love o f
which there is no other. ”
"As one great p o e t once proclaim ed
despite whatever may befall
It is better to have loved and lost
than never to have loved at all."
Pat Zalduondo
September 30, 1957
Student Government 12,
Secretary-Treasurer of Student Body 12,
Academic Committee 11,
Carrolltones 11,
Social Action 11,
Volleyball Team 11, 12,
Captain of Volleyball Team 12,
Tennis Team 11,
Christian Living Committee 12.