Page 104 - Carrollton 1975
P. 104

“J find  that  the  great
                 thing  is  not  so  much
                 where  we  stand  as  in
                 what  direction  we  are
                 moving.  To  reach  the
                p o rt  o f heaven  we  m ust
                 sail,  som etim es  with
                 the  wind  and  som etim es
                against  it,  but  we
                 m ust  sail  and  not
                 drift,  nor  lie  at
                anchor. ”

                 “A  true  friend  unbosoms
                freely,  advises justly,
                asserts  readily,  adven­
                tures  boldly,  takes  all
                patiently,  defends
                courageously  and  con­
                tinues  unchangeably. ”

                                                                                                   Kimberly  Whiteman
                                                                                                   August  9,  1957

                                                                                                   Transferred  from  Miami
                                                                                                   Springs  Jr.  High  1973
                                                                                                   Tennis  Team  11,  12,
                                                                                                   Committee  of  Games  12.
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