Page 95 - Carrollton 1975
P. 95

“So  long as  we  love,  we  serve;
                                                             So  long as  we  are  loved  by  others,
                                                             I should  say  that  we  are  alm ost
                                                             indispensible;  and  no  man  is
                                                             useless  while  he  has  friends."

                                                             “The  only  way  on  earth  to  m ultiply
                                                             happiness  is  to  divide  it. ”

     K   oajuti

                  Karen Velikopoljski
                  July  13,  1957

                  Volleyball  Team  10,  11,  12,
                  Chess  Club  10,  11,
                  Committee  of  Games  10,  11,  12,
                  Social  Action  12.
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100