Page 96 - Carrollton 1975
P. 96

“Life  is  sw eet  ju st  because  o f  the
                   friends  we  have  made  and  the  things
                    which  we  in  com m on  share;  We  want  to
                   live  on,  not  ju st  for  ourselves,  but  be­
                   cause  o f  the  people  who  care;  It's
                   giving  and  doing  for  som ebody  else.  .  .
                   On  that  all  life’s  splendor  depends,  and
                    the  jo y  o f  this  world  when  y o u ’ve  sum­
                   m ed  it  all  up,  is  found  in  the  making o f
                   friends. ”

                                 Kim  Touby
                                 September  21,  1956

                                 Service  Committee  9,
                                 President  of  Chess  Club
                                 9,  10,  11,
                                 Committee  of  Games  10,  11.
   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101