Page 112 - Carrollton 1994
P. 112

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                      Vanessa Vidal
                                                             "High  school  was  interesting,  alright,  but  was  kinda  like  a
                      May 22,  1976                          harsh ride. We're going on to bigger and better things buddy"
                                                             from  Encino Man

   3 ;ssa,Vanny,Vinnybob,Van,V.V.,8fDel,Rio...Wellitgoesalittlesome-
    ikethis.. .Marcolslandsummers.. .Close-Up93.. .DeFauwUniv93...
   i idoFla-happiestplaceonEarth...waltsD6eW,God,Sr.MaryMargaret&
    evil. ..urairplaneisstuckWHERE?...L:watchoutforthemstairs... Ladies
    ;nuever?... thatwouldbepriveldged info.. .Beavis&r Bu tthead... illge-
  i iffy  &ur!ittledogtoo...  whatnow?...out&about...UMgames...whois
  ||yandwhenwilllmeethim?...ready  to  space  out...Imserioustodayis

    day...Eureka:caniborrowsomemoney?...  Elvis...3J,2K,H,A,V,B,G:
    ircle#l...w eregoing...nightsw im m ing...lhateG erm any...areua
     uh,yeah...  Lucky:vamosalpupu...begone,evil  witch...Jdetsen-
  aliewonderfulworldof"if'...L:thereissomebigGumhere...  AmocoAI-
  f A16eDan:ugoturspace(happy?)... lhatebeepers... Mark:whyJello&Ta
  r  ...Di&Delaware...HardrockCafe...Mel&Rick:uguysarethefunniest...r
  ii ingamoc...whatever!...Brian:FreeWilly!...urthedingleberry...Fieldof-
  i 1...brutal,eh?.,.TOURETTE?...D:BillyB.ismine...38&;counting... Pro
  r  -masFormal8f  M a s q u e ra d e .,.C a m e o (ic e la n d ,ja e la ? )...L :w e
  j  ldm akem illionson  am ovie...h ello,M cF Ly?...J:w ereou tofcon -
  i  ...e very b o d y h u rtsso m etim es...  H otI,saidthefly...R obert8L
  ll d...Iwantaguynow...themorethemerrier...  J:imfeelingsaucy...But-
  :l )nightissoyoung...itsabreathmint...imgonnaslapuinslowmo...some-
  > scrazydrivin...theFamtrips...imnotparanoid-just  realistic-thisisMia-
  ^  ..c o m m s e r v ic e n ig h tm a r e .. . l + w , v  +  c ,l + d . . . 7 /25/93...
  3 |tsomecheese4u... great, huh?... Maite: ihatejavi...Camy:mynameisnot
  V  ny.. .wkndsatA's.. .beachpatrol,letm eseesom eid... L'dietcokeanxi-
  e  ..  Mel'sacciDENTS;goodluck!...Larissa:wuzupcuz?stayawayfrom
  s  opy...LDT:  speedlimitshavepurposes!havefun...Eureka:thanxs41is-   'The greatest pleasure in life is doing what you cannot
  ti  inglstaycheeryfif  acotorra...D :h ow lon gh asitbeen ?cu on B road   do"
  v '...L:thanxs4beingagoodfriend,  DreamOnfif 1OObucksthetimespent                      Chinese Fortune Cookie

  v sworthit...  J:m ypartnerincrim e,7/25/93  WERETHEREDUDE1...
  f iri:mybestbud,loveu8fipromise2  bneat...Dad:urm indm adeitpast
  t  70's!luvu...Brian:goodiuckbuddy,thefrontseatismine!luvu4real...
  / ielo,Abuela  y  la  familia:  te  quiero  y  gracias  por  todo...Classof94:
  i  ockthehouse!goodluck...well,Aurevoir Pink Prison...its been...words
  t i't express my joy...

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