Page 114 - Carrollton 1994
P. 114

Senior Superlatives

       ChT'E'Ci V .  A ^ V i'o S
        'laite Blanco

        f\ik: Cam o
        Lih Carriax*
        Maiiskr; Castro

       .Ana Cocfina
        'l^ c p c  C ona.
        Chnszne Co^e:
        Chrisoe Amne rfcrvas
        SvhtS 3C iZ  "VtZ

        Lesiey oe a  T bn t
        Diana oe a  Tbrrienle
       Yvette Garca-ADer.
        Heather GnBnzna—

        Cristina Gross
                                     v 1>;-
        Dulce tterrazicer                  ■ N c >   WJ C K   o r
        Kira Keiy                    v | | S  BvcK to rot Ihe in Mam
                                     V j - g -  iser* to nos  Sccrz?> Y g i Lse'
        Carmen feoenfl
        Jada Lopez                   Mosc
        Ana is M szxiez              Mcs: zseN to own a \e?»et c re re  on Azdsmss
        Alex Mayorga                 MOSC zserv to own a silver sure
        Michelle Mendez              H o s t       d qet her rrBLi
                                     W f| rr
        Cristina M u a a n c         _  KJoL  ?£3S   Decorre a surcezr  zt
        Cristina O nega              Most      rv  uu               :r-;r.-Oner zr hzc VLAYL HER-
        Qigi Ota i\ arc              U  st m ost
        rievy Papazxan                 lost u.Keiy to be the first one on MTV'
        Erika Phstoriza               iost likely  to com e back as Som m er Sarcers

        Melissa Fferez               Most likely to sleep through a rutiear war
        Patty Pujais                 Most likely to own a Betsy Johnson
        Cusi Rivas                   Most likely  to live on  Melrose anc on .e a liariey

        Erica Rivera                 Most         to decorate her house with 'I  eve  —e s s a y s
        Josie Ruiz                   Most         to host her own  'Love C ennerner'
        Camille Tie-Shue             Mr/St likely tr> live at L1M fraternity  row
        Monica Tonareiy              M o s t likely  to host her own Mardi Gras, wnerever s 'e  art

        Vanessa Vidal                y k M  likely  lo go to Japan to watch the Hurricanes
        Roseanne Zum pano            M o s t likely  to dia out of a ditch even when oft ur

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