Page 133 - Carrollton 1994
P. 133
The competitive spirit of the
Carrollton Community has the
perfect opportunity to express
Itself through the Blue/Qold com
petition. Energy, enthusiasm and
excitement create a fun atmos
phere for everyone Involved.
In the Primary grades, P.E.
classes provided the chance for
Blue/Qold events played through
out the year, At the end of the
year, Pleld Day provides an
opportunity for the Primary
grades to compete.
In the Intermediate and Junior
High levels. Blue/Gold games
such as soccer and water polo are
held regularly, and give the stu
dents the chance to earn points
for their teams. Field Day, again,
becomes an important source of
competition and can often be the
We've G o t S pirit, Y es We Do...
deciding factor as to which team
will win.
High Schoolers participate in
intramurals to earn points and
also tahe part in the Sophomore
sponsored Field Day. The win
ning team for the year is decided
on this day of games and events.
Despite the competition, the stu
dents epjoy the events and,
despite the fact that only one
team can win, the other team is
happy with the battle. Best o f luck
to both teams and may the best
team win in 'VVP