Page 136 - Carrollton 1994
P. 136

Aluminum-plastered walls, flashing strobe
                                                                          lights, hanging stars and planets, and hundreds o f
                                                                          Carrollton students filled the school on Conge.
                                                                          Conge is a day the seniors plan for the entire
                                                                          school.  It is a day filled with exciting activities that
                                                                          all students participate and helps Carrollton grow
                                                                          in spirit and community.
                                                                            This year's theme was 'Tim e Warp." It gave new
                                                                          meaning to flashing back to the past.
                                                                            Students were divided into 25 groups, each with
                                                                          a different theme. Groups included Egyptians, cow
                                                                          boys, the 70’s, 80's, and 90's. There were also
                                                                          groups o f punks,  pirates, witches and wizards, and
                                                                          dinosaurs. Each group was dressed in costumes
                                                                          that corresponded with the theme o f their group.
                                                                            The day was opened up with a skit by the
                                                                          seniors about a girl who takes her "genius" father's
                                                                          (Carmen  Kroepil) time machine and with coaxing
                                                                          from her friends, goes through the stages o f time.
                                                                          She meets up with Madonna, cavemen,  Barney,
                                                                          southern belief, among others from the past. The
                                                                          skit also included a dance done by five seniors:
                                                                          Kiki Canto, Yvette Garcia-Alien, Dulce Hernandez,
                                                                          Patty Pujals, and Sylvia de la Rua.
                                                                            After the skit, the groups participated in skit
                                                                          writing o f their own, "Disco Inferno," "Name That
                                                                          Song," "Name That Era," and a scavenger hunt. In
                                                                          between activities a delicious lunch o f pizza and
                                                                          soda which was followed by ice cream and candy
                                                                          and, later, gouter.
                                                                            By the end o f the day many, including the little
                                                                          students, were tired yet still excited about the day's
                                                                          events.  Danielle de Marco, grade 7, who experi­
                                                                          enced her first Conge had this to say, "It was an
                                                                          interesting experience." Cory James, grade 9,
                                                                          thought "Conge is an experience o f a lifetime."
                                                                            -Luaren Mack
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