Page 77 - Carrollton 1994
P. 77
If you don't have a clue about life the
happy to say neither have I. - The Sun
But she was inside the wonderful g«
l n / A A 1
and she could come through the
under the ivy any time and she fell p £
she had found a world all her o
Trances Hodgson Burnett
I'd love to touch the sky. - The Cure
I'm just waiting on that dream. - 1* tier
Take me to the ocean and leave me ere
leave me all alone with the sun ar the
air, I'll float around all day long, it w< t bt
long before I'm gone. - Juliana Hatf d
The best glimpse of heaven is on tl iva;
Take Fire. -Mossimo
If you want to try this, you'd better t ablj
to swim five miles, hold your bre i fa
more than two minutes in churnind fete
and ride the biggest waves of yoi life
Darrick Doerner
Delight in your youth.-Pearl Jam
... even if your wildest dreams haf n I
be your biggest fears.-Ho Fear
I W « s
l i k* a ii J f
Christina M. Algeciras
August 23, 1976
Is everybody in? The ceremony is about .. .jackjoebud.. .CHevron.. .soyou'recae ctscomplejoat your apt...iamthc [EE
to beg in...Hold on,wait up, I didn't sar'scousinTR'shouse... n p & a lg ll... tat D E M O N ...i'm a s ta lk e r. ..c ts di
payforanyceremony. Christina.. .chris... too's...eddievedder...ckspin... retreat m e n ... sh an ed . wha ta snob, t d
christy.. .chrisalcegeras.. .alge.. .allergy... ck&ramthanks...snakeeyes...bbq sauce former.. .sptkchkssgthenicestguys >hai
ca... anyways... turkey 1 9 9 1...CR 1992 anyone?., .wha twastha tnonsequi tor? p.& kellydidnotjustw alkpastrr
christym yb ud d yju lia,m att,m ich ael, ...can'tkeepfrom doyoulikefrenchm en...i'm dr€ Inin
you livein cocoa? canadaisnoteskim s in g in g ., .you got itinya m e? .. .nopue ...s e in e b o a trid e p a ris s k a te
alandallnighterswayne'sworldbusrides do. ..jh my idol. ..h ew ash o th otho th o t S fsteveb erra.. .ikn o w m iam i [at
spiderscold showersmcdonald'sweir hot whoa b ab y.. .iknow i'm spacy.. .bel fo lk s in g e r from h e ll.. .kerm or
do',jc,l.m., e n 9 1 .. .n eu ro ticp sych o p ath .. .ckthe ie t h a n x f o r b e i n g t h e c o o l e s pe
Sfshelbiebeachadventuresmarlinsboo ultim atehistory partner... PAPELATZO sistericouldeveraskfor cres Inc
gervaniloveyourhairpeterdamiendomi .. .la d ie s .. .W fellow fan .. .coam ckcra- w ac...torturedsouls...yesiknc Iha
nicl'UN yougogirlcandycandyjcising c ra e o th e rved d ered d tele - a l o t o f d o t d o t s . .. w a i t a m i n iw
aga i n hooch w eeken d atu pda ten me p h o n e c o n v e r s a tio n s ...n p to r c h t h a t b b q s a u c e ? ...c r u is e ...j iss
dgarbbbuddyrefnation...was that bbq th eb ath tu b w ith vib ran tlyco lo red vel parkhidethepow er96sticker.. ;ci
sauce? ultitude of c(h)ristina's v e t... banan a re p u b lic ., .c g o lla b u d ...cgfellow eddiefan...kciw ttf
. ..cts6fkcterm papers6flaserprinters dySftwin.. .apcheese.. .sivleizedpeople... w o r l d j u n g l e s h i r t . . . h g h u g Ld
...donking...rudy...iluvf..&e..6fm ..6fet C H ef... g ro ve ... fra tro w ... pro v id o r... .. .i d b c e c t o o b a d i t h a d t o b e |sw
c...mycon tacts... causei'mablondeyeahyeahyeah...idon' ...toppp uauthanksforevery ng
dfbbi miss think i'm cooliknowi'm cool...goddam k a t r in a i'l lt a k e y o u o u t o n e d ICi
knooow ...jd& thelived'schildren... governor'sson...logodesigning...tho sitsbeenalongtim echristiec.n >rii
hailoween...bfe... mobile... pyromaniac tim ebuddy...m am i,papa,car nf<
...colorgam es...i'm notdriving...colet's za ... ch ero kee... d on'tm eanathingun ily&friends thanks for the m< fori
dolunch. ..youguyssh utup ab ou tm e lessitain 'tg o tth atsw in g . ..d en n y's... seeyouinthenextlifeyeeaw w t Owi
&kcyaking!...drivingstick...STPconcert s a t.. .ranch p a rtie s .. .K IL L E R p arty... LIVE IM THE PIT