Page 80 - Carrollton 1994
P. 80
Cristina C an to
Is everybody in? The Ceremony is about to begin...Hold on .wait up,I didn't
pay for any ceremony...Cristina,Kiki,Geeky,Kiwi,Kikiers,Bounty,Kitkat.Ca
Flaca.. .sowhy'stheblimpiesmanalwayslate?.. .JOJ&FOB.. .M. Shore.. .RUGuys-
sisters cousinsrelatives?...surffastrockhard...SeikoP.Nightmares...StudyQ-
ps.4Lit.. ,erika,wheredidyousayyourgrandfatherlived?.. .soph .cruise.. .BJoe/R
echaso... 15s.. .BBQSauce.. .Gillete&riike. ..nonsequitor.. .bfepartners.. .swis-
goodfromfar butfarfromgood.. ,C. busted... BBQ.. .cieptos.. .camilletieyour-
shoelaces.. .MCH-Fired?... teret.. .closeup'93.. .yeahyeah.. .314228c.calls...
ebg.. .pattyDmagnet.. .cen tromater.. .alki... ugotitinuMC.. .bjovi(am,cr,co)... mi
amih. reporter...riots...ShanafieCarmen-andantanperdidas...HC(mmtat-
gisb)... mobile... hotelCanto.. .mobile.. .somesurfingscrub.. .CMQueenP.. .esbe
tuswat?.. .CTSdennysartist.. .Pattydoweshareabrainforreal?.. .yeehaw
woowee...Shanat8kthe$&run...CHef... cafecubanojoltsw/mc...memorialday-
wkend'93...papelaso...Picnicw/kkygacrrz europeanvac...prom'93...stalk
ers...swing...banaslip...D.Duran(e.p.p.c.o.A.M.) ...sticklessons...l737sight-
seeing..,S.noucantt8kmycari...Thanx4IunchesWR...COmyotherhalf... frus-
o u n g h a v e fu n d o n 't g e t k ille d - K S ...T h a n x fo r e v e r y t h in g
mom, dad janin,beto,wa to, tom, family, ffiends&God...LuvUH!
"I always thought that this was going to be easy but like a fool I couldn't
see. How everybody's got rules and regulations we try to make it to the
light o f day but through it all there's something that I have to say: It's
been a long hard road!"
-Cry Wolf