Page 104 - Carrollton 1987
P. 104
Tera Menendez
September 20, 1969
Miami. FI.
Tera . . . Tieri . . . Teri . . . I am Besf-AII-Around . . . Flamingo-
s(Yves,Ali&me) watergun/weekend warriors .... We're dead-
,no for real this time we're really dead Yvette. . . musclewom-
en . . . GlamourGirls (BYT) . . . Deatwee, don’t touch me w /
your cheese . . . SchoolFun.GirlsForAII Seasons.GreasedLight-
ning. Ninjo/BrookieJheShow . . . Chu'wheash . . . IDon'f get
ir.Your mom's gonna . . . Cursed wi'da good looks . . . Hey So
fa,let’s do what we're best a t . . . Tailji Inc. . . . Areyou2sisrers
. . . GoGoGirties . . . Selene,Wait tillYouSeeMyGidger . . . 5
Measeypennies. . . MeGoingCookoosLookingForYou . . . Boys
of Summer . . . Trips/yves Never Forget Paris . . . Cupcok-
e'sClass-Beach. . . Paulp'sAWimp . . . Rebelonios. Cheesy.Bulk-
y&5linky.UssSnobs,Nooo . . . YvetteDoMeWillis .. . Bea&IWork
. . . YouseBeDead . . . CobralnTheKey . . . FreeWay . . . Theln-
ter-ContlnentalMon.GoBackALOngWoy . . . Hey,- I have Far
Legs . . . We'reSnaggle-TooThedDimondGirl . . . The Wagon
. . . R-E-5-P-E-C-T . . . Chip&Dale . . . It'sBeenALifetimeWoman
OfTheWorld.. .Hey.She'sLikeYou.. ."Brook."YouModeMeLo
veYou.JumpingWlndowsAtVillas.. .SeeYouAtThoTollBooth..
. .IcouldLiveOnlce-Cream... My 2KidsGetOurOf My Room! Let's
ShowThemWharTheMeaning Of Speed Is. . . Thanks Carrollton
. . . I'll MissYou.Guys . . . Love You Mami,Papi&the Rest . . .
Stand By M e .............................................................. ......................
Though nothing con bring back the hour of splendor In' the
gross, and glory in the flower. We shall grieve nor, but rather
find strength in what remains behind.
William Wordsworth