Page 101 - Carrollton 1987
P. 101

Gullalne 5.  Lamar
                                                             December 12,  1969
                                                             New  York  City,  New York
                                                             My  mind  Is filled  to  the  rim with  memories
                                                             I've spent some  pretty  good times
                                                             I’ve  met some friends I'll  never forger
                                                             And  you  know  looking  bock
                                                             I  wonder why  I  was  In such  o  hurry
                                                             to  leave  It all  behind.
                                                                               Darbora  Burrows
                                                             Our memories of yesterday
                                                             Will  lost o  lifetime.
                                                             We'll  take  the  best,
                                                             Forget the  rest,
                                                             And some day we'll find
                                                             These ore  the  best of times.

                                                             Nothing  gold  can stay.
                                                                           Robert  Frost

       Guilaine/Guil/Gig/Gui. . .  FFDAPADBAQBMCFCRNM .  .. That was to­
       tally uncoiled for..  . Honorary Key Rat. . .  Me dumsy?!You're crazy!
        .  ..  The Jungle  ..  .  Sot.,  10 am:  Paola-"How are  we getting  home
       tonight?” . . .  turbo boost. . .  green machine. . .  the jalopy. . .  Close-
       Up ’86 .  .  .  Burdines Beach Chair Club  .  .  .  Party Animal  .  .. 8/17/85
        .  ..  baffrglasswindowblood  .  .. Mini Teco . . .  Jugot 4-5 cen.  . . .  Hi-
       howareyou ..  . 7 /2 5/86 .  .  .  Breakfast Club .  .  . Ggggunk it ..  .  Prin­
       cess Diana . . .  always right. . .  Dominos .  .. Brendivari. . .  Colorado
       84 -8 5 ... Yes, I fell over a cliff. . .  Brooks.  .. Religion Buddy ..  . Yes,
       I love small red towels!..  . Prom'86.  .  . White Llmo,ww7-11overtown
        . . .   No  Chongos  .  ..  Smevpoch  . . .   exa-
       gerada.  .  . 0007-12/3/85..  . Halloween Army..  . 8/14/86 Bananita
        . . .  Elaine, what color Is your hair today? .  .. Spain things.  .. Carroll­
       ton  ID's.  ..  OR papertowel  boy  . . .   Reez-Ruistein  . . .   We always
       have to do what Cristina says ..  . It's German you know .  .  .  late as
       usual.  .  . M5M Sea Escape . . .  Emergency Exlt(FE). . .  Jones .  .  . Euro­
       pean Family Vacation  ..  . Our foreign possession  .  .  .  Midnight talks
       In the kitchen  ..  . Carllhead-I always stick for you ..  .  the  mousse is
       loose  .  ..  Ivan's  Toy  ..  .  Vivian,  I  am  shy!  .  ..  Miriam  the  master
       chef(quock). . .  ju haf a noisy mufflerr. . .  Cristina A.,the older sister
        I  never  had  .  .  .  Moj  .  ..  learning  to  drive  stick  in  Cocoplum  .  .  .
        PORSCHE .  .  .  It's been  real  .  .. Thanks for the memories  ..  . Thanks
       Mom,Dad 6  Mario,I  love you  .  .  .  STAND  BY  ME
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