Page 98 - Carrollton 1987
P. 98

Carolina  Fernandez-Castro
                                                     May  28,  1969

                                                     And when  the  broken  hearted  people  living  in  the  world  agree
                                                     There will  be on  answer,  Let it  be.
                                                     For though  they  may  be  parted.  There  is still  o  chance
                                                     Thar they  would see
                                                     There  will  be an answer.  Let  it be.
                                                                                                    The  Beatles
                                                     Carolina  ..  .  Carol  . . .   Caro  . . .   Cob  .  .  Dof  . . .   bff  .  .  .  RT,BP,DA,CH,-
                                                     PA,TM,DB,SA,GL,AQ  .  .  .  Volleyboll848586   ..  moodygirl  . . .   Iloveblrobbits
                                                     . . .  Thonx for binoculars,  Di  . . .   "the  rorz"  . . .   Starch   Bea,  be-o  .  ..  oy,
                                                     howsad  .  ..  Thisisthebiggesthingintheworld  . . .   MP   Moy85  ..  .  pero
                                                     .. .Ihodoboyfriendwithagirlfriend ..  .  Diana:Spies likeus .   Pe-o  . . .   Pie  . . .
                                                     rhesweetest. . .   sollied  . . .   bigdeol  . . .   art:  funnyguy   .Feb1986parry  .  ..
                                                     keyrar. . .  I'msickofthebeoch. . .  Can't woitt'illsummer.   . Disney86. . .  "my
     Young  hearts  be free  tonight;  Time  is on  your side.  job"  . . .  Cloudyou'resolucky  . . .  greotsummer85 . . .  mono-crash  . . .  Crash­
                                      Rod  Stewart   ed,me? . . .   onlyintothreecorsotonce  . . .   Diana,getinthecarNo!  ..  . fytojoey
                                                     . . .  I'mnofasnob. . .  billyhixx. . .  misrake86. . .  groucholooksmoody. . .  UM-
     I  woke  to sleep,  and  take  my waking slow.  to m . . .  hatday . . .  LiveMike . . .  Grocedoutonrocoon . . .  teenewolf. . .  fhe-
     I feel  my fate  in  whot  I  cannot fear.      duck. . .  gropesoncourt. . .  Sunday’s foil. . .  DavidBowie.  .. DBnomoresciroc-
     I leorn  by  going  where  I  hove to  go.      cochase,.  . thediary . . .  Halloween85 . . .  Seleneregghead  . . .  we'regon-
                                 Theodore  Roerhke   nagetcha  . . .   HiPie  . . .   Sammy  . . .   PinkPalace  . . .   Boo  . ..   chongattack ..  .
                                                     slumberparty  . . .   Impossed  . . .   L f. . .   MB  . . .   Lit'lsisters  . . .   ThanxCarrollton
                                                     . . .   I'llmissyou  . . .   ThanxMom,Dad,Juli.Kika,Mike,Manny    STAND  BY  ME

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