Page 93 - Carrollton 1987
P. 93
Lourdes Diego
June 20, 1968
Lou-heod , .. yolo .. . Night Fever.. . Menudo . . .
Girl for all Seasons. . , pipas. . . the KK's. . . Sprlng-
I break '84. . . Grapetree 401. .. moon . . . dominoes
. . , pesetas . . . chandeliers . . . "C'mon Yoyo'' . . .
"brother, consorte, mi hermano” . . . Halloween
Army . .. Palm Beach . .. Polo . .. the point. . . Elliot
Key , .. teak the boar . . . mangroves . . . Nixon's
. .. hydroing . . . H20 skiing . . . the boat .. . Cats .
.. drinking cement. . . tacos. . . Yacht Club. . . Sof's:
home awoy from home . . . Amocobock . . . Hey
Jack!. . . bi-in camaro . . . A.M.L.C.R. bike excursion
. , , assigned seors. . . Spain '86 . . . Sof, let's mokiar
.. . sweet lips. . . honey . . . hobie C at. . . M&L vs,
SGY . . . French Valedictorians: T.M., 5.A., L.D. . . . lo
vie en rose . . . senior snapperheads . . . Close Up
'66 missed the deadline again . . . E.S., F.P., Y.E. ..
. Friends 4-ever: S.S., M.E., Y.F., S.A., J.P., D.G. . . .
H&M .. . Thanks Family & Friends- luv yo all . . .
(jOUfCies TXLC|D