Page 91 - Carrollton 1987
P. 91
"Moke new friends, bur keep the old
Those ore silver, rhese ore gold.
New mode friendships like new wine -
Age will mellow ond refine.
Friendships rhar stood the rest -
Tinne and change -
Are surely the best;
Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray,
Friendship never knows decay.
For 'mid old friends tried and true.
Once more we our Youth renew,
Bur old friendships alas! may die;
New friends must their place supply.
Cherish friendship in your breast -
New is good and old is best.
Moke new friends but keep the old
Those ore silver and rhese ore gold.
VIVI . .. Friends 4ever:E.D.D.B.L.M.M.B . .. mygodbro .. . "Ramon, WHERE is my check?” .
. . ZOOmshorthumperstheduckchondeliersivenever. . . NEVER AGAIN. . . The Cruise .. . Cot Coy
. . . H-9 .. . D + R . .. Lyanne, your farm's on fire!” . . . S#1 & 5#2 . . .Miss British Ur #2: the
legend lives on . . . Labor Day wk-ends in Key B . .. villa #21. . . Scavhunt '84 . .. Sunday srolis
on the boor. . . Belen football games . . . "Elaine, mode me do it !” . . . Disney (MEXICO!) ..
. Key West; "How can you lose a 30 ft. trailer?!" .. . TOWED!? .. . Sonibel . . . by you . . . the
"pfrDMCN" . . . P.S. - the raccoon .. . Lo Romana . . . GENESIS . . . 14?! , , . Firehydranf! .. . 4:00;
THEY NOTICED! .. ."What color is Elaine's hair this week?!" . . . Thanxgvng wk-ends in New York
. .. C ond C - "I had a blast and f love you both!” . .. 24hr. HOTLINE .. . New Years '87:
"Chulisimo” . . . moomoo & leache (my # spy). . . FAIC com p. . . lalicoelca abuelo, ond obuela
. .. Thonx for everything Mom ond Dad . . . I LOVE YOU . ..