Page 112 - Carrollton 1987
P. 112

Open  your  heort.  open  your
                                                                                               A train  is leaving  all  day
                                                                                               A  wonderful  trip  through  all
                                                                                               And  laughter Is oil  you pay
                                                                                               Attention  K-mort shoppers
                                                                                                          Store  Manager
                                                                                               I can't think about That today.
                                                                                               I'll think about  it tomorrow.

        Stephanie  Lynn  Rurher
        July 10,  1969
        Chicago,  Illinois

      Yeah  that's the  ticket  . . .   What?Whar?  ..  .  Lunise,  can  I
      come  over this  weekend?  . . .   I  didnr'  do  if!  . . .   Nancy,
      your ear smells disgusting  . . .   Chicago Bears  . . .   Kather­
      ine! A ye!. . .  Life is like. . .  I think it is and I think you know
      it is . . .  My mom is always pregnant. . .  J.L.G.  .  .. Lunise.
      say you're humble ..  . Who locked my locker? .  .. Purple
      . . .   I  like  my  blue  noil  polish  . . .   I  hove  another  bruise!
      . . .  Chemistry is too hard . . .  Guess what Alex did!. . .  Ask
      me. I might,  .. Like my earrings? .  .. I'm so embarrased
      .  .  .  No!  nor  the  smock  machines!  . . .   Let's  go shopping
      or do lunch..  .You guys moke me crazy. . .  I won't break
      your heart. . .  #24.  .  . I've mode o mental block.  .. Grey
      Flannel. . .  Promises, Promises. . .  Cool your jets! Chicken
      con  polio  . . .
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